
Drunken Girl's Day




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
04-23-2023, 10:15 PM

Manea continued to sip her wine as she relaxed near Scylla, listening as she spoke about her father and how his constant working and stress to improve his kingdom had ultimately driven him into his current illness. She smirked a little with a relenting nod of acknowledgement at the younger woman's pointed look as she prescribed her some relaxation. "Alright, alright... Point made," she commented with a little grin. She was sure that if Irilyth was part of this conversation her little healer would say the same thing.

As the topic of conversation focused more on Scylla and how her and her siblings were doing, Manea nodded with agreement at the notion of making the best out of whatever she had been given. That was something she had always felt for herself as well and one of the reasons why she had been so set on making her own pack rather than settling into the ranks of someone else's. She had focused on taking what they had and built from it and Elysium was the result of that. However, that didn't mean that all of her plans and work always turned out well–as was evidenced by the mention of the failed engagements between Scylla, her brother, and the twins. Her ears flicked with a slightly apologetic look as she sighed and took another drink of her wine. She had all the best intentions when she went to Chimera with these plans, but she had severely underestimated what her children would do to be together.

Before she could comment on the situation or assure Scylla of her place here regardless of how things had turned out, Scylla moved on, reminding her that she was supposed to be relaxing. She smirked and took another drink of wine, sighing softly as she put the bottle down once more. It was certainly difficult to fully relax. She wondered if that would be any different once Avacyn stepped into her place or if she would only continue to worry about her daughter and how she was settling into leadership. Her thoughts were pulled away from such things as her drinking companion for the evening questioned her, asking what brought her pleasure and what made her feel alive. Manea looked to her with a raised brow, chuckling and giving her a grin. It was a far more intimate line of questioning than her own, but she didn't mind it. Glancing out over the water with a thoughtful hum, she pondered the question for a moment while drinking her wine before she finally replied with a glance toward Scylla. "Well, I've always been more keen on physical activities... Fighting, hunting, and the like. There's not much that is more exhilarating than a challenging fight or a successful hunt. Well... other than some more intimate activities I suppose." She grinned again with another light laugh and added, "I guess if I'm being honest the times I feel the most alive is when I'm with my lovers, but I'm sure that's not very unique."

"Manea Mendacium"