
Destruction Babies!


04-24-2023, 07:22 AM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2023, 07:52 AM by Synth. Edited 3 times in total.)
Name: Skylark or Sparrow Destruction
Sex: Female
Size/Build: 23', light
Design: Shaded - Unshaded
Appearance: A quite literal disaster in a tiny, doll-like package; Skylark is almost just as small as they get, and light to match- in the jaws of a much bigger wolf, she’d be nothing but a ragdoll to shake around. But she would be damned if she didn’t have the confidence of anything twice her size, and it shows in how she carries herself, as a pup, with the fearlessness of someone who has fought a mountain lion and won. She is the thunder, she is the raging waters of the ocean, and she laughs in the face of danger and encourages her siblings to do the same (or not- either way, she’ll be their self-proclaimed knight.)

Skylark doesn’t resemble one parent or the other too strongly- she takes some of the earthy hues from her father, while the majority of her markings- excepting a white forehead blaze, dark brown stockings, and patches of lighter fur- from her mother. White stripes, much like her mother’s, extend along all four legs and her hips, like the shine of bone in the earth, a solid contrast between her neutral hues.

Unlike both parents, Skylark had the luck- or misfortune, however she thinks of it during the day- of being born with partial heterochromia. Her eyes are mostly her mother’s shade of royal purple, but there’s a hint of a much lighter, seafoam green.

Touches on spoilers in personality / plot.

A quite literal disaster in a tiny, doll-like package; Skylark is almost just as small as they get, and light to match- in the jaws of a much bigger wolf, she’d be nothing but a ragdoll to shake around. And, in an eerie contrast to how she was before, it would be oh-so-easy for someone to decide to. Gone is the ferocious little girl who proclaimed she was a knight, and in her place is someone who carries herself silently, like a ghost, like she’s not in this world. She’s still as confident as she was before, outwardly, but in a much different way- instead of being confident in her skills, her confidence now comes from being lost in her own made-up world.
Personality: From the minute she’s born, there’s one thing anyone who knows Skylark should be sure about- she’s loud. And boisterous, and pretty much anything that would be nightmare fuel for first-time parents. It doesn’t mean she’s particularly rude, or mean, of course- when it comes down to it, she absolutely adores her family, and if she had to choose death or saying something even vaguely hurtful to them, she would gladly choose death.

That doesn’t mean anyone else is immune to her sharp tongue and habit of speaking her mind, though.

Skylark says things the way she sees them, and, with the exception of a rare few, she doesn’t care about hurting feelings, and an apology is near-impossible to gather from her. Why should she apologize for being right, after all? It doesn’t make sense to her. Of course, this means she gets into more trouble than she should, but it’s not something she’s entirely unaware of- in fact, her middle name is trouble! She knows what she’s doing, and she’ll be fine.


As close to her family as she is, Skylark is almost inseparable from most of them, especially her siblings. Her adoration for them reaches entirely new levels, and as a pup her desire for them to go with her almost outmatches her determination and roaming spirit if she does have to make a journey alone. She’d rather not, of course, because what knight goes without their charge, but once she’s given the freedom it isn’t rare for her to decide the convincing is too hard for the day. At least, more often than not, she brings back gifts- various trinkets from her travels.

As big-hearted as she is, it’s no surprise that Skylark is a bit of a hopeless romantic, and as she gets old enough to have crushes, she’ll yearn for the idea of a wife who adores her wit and gift-giving and honest nature. It isn’t uncommon for her to have simple puppy crushes on others her age.

Skills: Navigation & Hunting
Plans: Major plot - Referenced briefly in appearance (personality planned for later, had no time because of work) under the spoilers, Skylark will, as an older pup, end up wandering away and will be gone for an unspecified amount of time (I'm a big fan of angst, personally, so long enough to believe she's dead would be best) before she finally shows back up, emaciated and quieter due to the shock that came with having to survive on her own. At some point, sooner or later, I would love for them to realize that she's not really recovering mentally- to deal with the trauma and struggles of nearly dying, several times, Skylark will have resorted to some pretty severe maladaptive daydreaming. She won't be entirely unaware of things that are going on, but she'd much rather focus on that than the severity of everything happening (likely a coping mechanism while she was lost as well) and it will show.

That being said, I would love for her to eventually recover (at least somewhat) and get a gf, but in terms of everything that isn't set in stone and I would sooner get her a support system so it can develop naturally instead of trying to do it on my own.