
Tea time for the last time



"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
04-24-2023, 09:09 AM

There was a bittersweet feeling within her as she awoke that morning. It was still dark in the maze as the sun was barely cresting over the horizon. If one were to look up, they would see a gentle twinkle of stars among the hazy orange and pink sunrise. After today, this would be her last Tojo-Kai sunrise. Tenshi would pack her few belongings before setting out. In case things went poorly, she rather be prepared.

Once finished, she tucked gear away and turned to watch the bamboo. The rhythmic knocking of the stalks was something she had grown accustomed to and she wondered now if she would miss it. How the salty ocean breeze that ruffled her fur and caused the leaves to flutter. The twinkle of the paper lanterns and the scores in the bamboo that led the way. Like most who lived her, she no longer needed the markers to navigate. Every turn and twist was simple to her. Somehow she had grown to call this place home.

Holding back the wave of emotions that swirled in her chest, she slowly meandered through the bamboo. There was no rush, no hurry. Vidarr would wait for her. That much she was certain of. Especially now as the raid had been successful, Tenshi worried that Hanzo would not want her to leave. She had done well against the Pirates. Better than Hanzo himself. It made a twinge of a smile appear on her lips as she thought of it. A season or so ago, she might have used it as a way to flirt with him. Now, she merely wanted him to remember her as someone who was worthy.

The balmy autumn air pressed against her as she finally made it to a secluded part of the maze. While she trusted everyone here, she wanted this conversation to be private. Pulling out the necessary supplies, Tenshi started a fire with some dry tinder and placed the tea kettle over it. As it warmed, she filled it with water and the perfect tea mixture that Hanzo preferred - she hadn’t forgotten the other times they had shared tea together. Settling back upon her haunches, Tenshi called for Hanzo for the last time within the bamboo.