
Sneaking Out



10 Years
Athena I
10-23-2013, 02:00 PM

The ivory brute blinked his eyes open at Imena's words, soon hearing the sounds of battle for himself. Imena's licks brought him fully awake and he returned the precious licks to her own face. Who knew what could happen today? He wanted to take advantage of every moment. He watched as his mate woke up Skyla and ushered her out of the den. Cael quickly nudged Elva awake and did the same for the little fox. Elva stumbled along behind them sleepily, her ears folded back and her sleepy gaze full of worry and fear. Cael was sure the same emotions showed in his own gold and sapphire gaze. He licked the top of his companion's head encouragingly and nudged her on with his nose, doing the same to the pup that he and Imena had pretty much adopted.

Once they arrived in the clearing, Cael heard Soleil's decision to stay here to watch after the wounded and after Imena had given Soleil her promise to keep her girls safe Cael nodded, making the same promise. Part of him wanted to stay here with Soleil, but he had given Syrinx his word that he would escort his pups to Seracia and he wouldn't dare leave his mate alone in this time of war. Besides that, looking around at the group that would be going to Seracia, he realized that the whole band so far was made up of healers, hunters, and pups. He was almost certain that they would avoid all the fighting, but in the off chance that they be ambushed on their way to their allies he wasn't sure who of them would be able to fight. He despised blood shed, but he had been trained to fight at one point in his life and could again if it came to it. So, he would go with them to The Range, and do his best to keep them safe in the process.

He looked around for Syrinx's pups, seeing that none of them had come yet. His brow creased with worry and he called out, Vyvienne? Meinx? Cynder? Sevan?" He padded around the clearing, peering into the trees around them, looking for the children. He couldn't leave without them.
