



9 Years
10-23-2013, 02:11 PM
Alsander Grey

His initial attack landed perfectly, and the female was driven to the ground, though his lunge for her scruff missed it?s full mark, only leaving a bite, instead of him being able to latch powerful jaws onto it to immobilize her slightly. Her paws reached for his face, and he was glad for this miss of his bite. It freed him to jerk back slightly, avoiding the main clawing, before he snapped his head to the side, aiming to clamp his teeth on the last joint of her foreleg, the left one. He felt the pain of claws digging into his cheek, though they glanced off, leaving only minor scratches. He felt her shift, her muscles tense, and instinctively jerked his hind end away. Her claws dragged through the front of his thigh, leaving a raking injury behind. He felt his blood run.

He felt teeth fasten around his left foreleg, and attempted to slam his weight into her jaws, intending to choke her out if lucky. Teeth sawed into his fur, but he didn?t let himself wince. Meanwhile, if his attempt for her leg landed, he would shake his head viciously, aiming to damage the muscles and force her to submit or pass out. Ears remained flattened to his head, eyes narrowed and alert. His weight was sent to press down upon Renesme?s chest, free leg curling up to add to the pressure. He wasn?t about to let her up if he could help it.

Fight Stats

Alsander v Renesme - For Knockout

Round: 2 of infinite

Defenses: Jerking back enough to avoid the worst of her front claws, Jerking his hind end away to preserve his genitalia, and ramming his weight down in an attempt to strangle her with his left foreleg in her throat.

Attacks: Attempting to bite down on her left foreleg and shake his head violently, attempting to damage her leg, perhaps snapping it from the force at worst, or damage the ligaments at least. Pressing his weight down on her chest/ribs, in an attempt to restrict her breathing and keep her pinned, attempting ram his left foreleg into her throat as she bites down.

Injuries: Scratches to the cheek from her front claws, gashes on his right hind thigh, to the front, from her hind claws. Deep gashes to the left front leg around the joint, from her teeth and ramming into her jaws.

Out Of Character Notes: Might want to leave out any giant words. It breaks up the post and distracts from it. ;) <33