
Sneaking Out


10-23-2013, 02:25 PM

Mismatched paws would step into the heart of Valhalla as the brute nosed his sister and the young girl along in front of him. He never let them leave his sights, not for a moment as he brought them away from the war field. He heard word of a group getting ready to leave to Seracia, and that was just perfect for him to bring his sister and Avalon to. They could leave with them as a group, and seek refuge. He hoped then that the Seracia could hold onto them until he returned to take them to Tortuga. Though they still belonged to Amenti, he would plea and fight to keep them from going back. If he knew enough about the Seracian king, then he hoped that the royal man would aid in harboring the slaves that had been taken against their will. And possibly even challenge for them should the Amenti wenches come after them. Was it not the right thing to do? Freedom belonged to all living souls, and none had the right to take that away. Hell, if he couldn't take them to Tortuga until they were well enough, then he would try to stay within Seracia until they were better.

Blue eyes fell upon the gathering wolves, the ones he assumed would not be fighting. The majority it seemed were mostly pups and younger wolves not yet ready to fight. He approached them, his steel gaze no longer as hard as it was before. He stopped just a few feet away, head lowered in a sign that he wouldn't harm them, the two beaten women next to him. His eyes claimed a pleading look, hoping that they would allow them to journey with them. "My name is Hansel, a member of Tortuga. This is Gretel and Avalon...slaves of Amenti. Gretel is my sister, and I've come to try and free her from Amenti's clutches. I now seek to find refuge for them in Seracia, will you please allow them to journey with you? I will escort you should anyone decide to stop us. Please, we need your help." He would look around at them with pleading eyes. He would not let his sister and her friend go so easily. Avalon herself was still but a yearling, and what life was that for a kid?
