




Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Extra small

Pride - Bisexual
04-24-2023, 07:48 PM

Okay, so maybe leaping onto the back of an enraged apex predator wasn't the smartest of moves, but it had certainly proven effective! Juniper made a fine distraction of herself while she rode the back of the furious tiger to keep its attention away from the violet woman, biting and clawing at the back of the feline's neck and keeping it spinning around trying to whip her off of itself. Being so small, Juniper had learned long ago that taking on a foe one-on-one was a fool's errand, so she adapted her techniques to be the best assistant she could. In this case, it was trying to open up a vulnerability for the much larger fae to take advantage of. Despite the tiger's best efforts, Juniper clung onto its back like an angry tick, refusing to let go. Letting go meant being vaulted off, and being vaulted off meant death. She didn't really feel like dying today, so on she rode, refusing to let her grip go for even a second.

Thankfully, the other wolf seemed to catch on to the unspoken plan pretty quickly. With a snarl, Juniper heard the tiger roar in pain and glanced back to see her battle buddy biting into the tiger's lower back. Woo, score one for the wolf team! But that feeling of success was short-lived when she felt the tiger's powerful body suddenly surge forward, taking her with the tiger as it launched off away from the fight. Juniper barked out in surprise. This was not part of the plan! But she had to make sure the tiger knew not to come back for a round two, so with one more bite to the feline's scruff, June reached down inside herself to activate that reflex that triggered her electric organ, sending a painful shock through the tiger's spine. The predator yowled in shock and pain and continued to flee, bucking Juniper off with a particularly violent thrash that sent the smaller fae tumbling back onto the grass. The little monochrome woman righted herself with a shake of her head just in time to watch a flash of orange disappear behind some ruins.

"Yeah, you better run!" she shouted off after the tiger, a triumphant grin on her face as she sprung to her paws, tail wagging a mile a minute as it hiked in a dominant display over her hips. Woo, what a rush! She couldn't wait to tell her brother how she'd fought off a tiger!

"Juniper of the Sea"