
"Stephen! I thought you were deead!"


The Syndicate

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Samhain 2022
04-24-2023, 08:17 PM (This post was last modified: 04-24-2023, 10:12 PM by Aresenn. Edited 1 time in total.)

After the free fall into the snow drift at the bottom of the gorge, it seemed his whole world had shifted. In the aftermath, he had been able to drag himself off and into some semblance of shelter. In his rattled state he couldn’t remember seeing Sephiran there or not, but had imagined they had an understanding of every man for himself. While he had no visible injuries, he certainly felt like he had taken the worst beating of his life. But, he was alive. Either that or hell was really similar to what he had come to endure thus far.

After laying in cover for several days, he finally recovered to the point where he could walk. It was then he had his run-in with his brother … Vulcan- in the neighboring pine forest. And while he had debated making his way back toward Obsidian Beach, now he wasn’t sure he want to go home right away, thinking of the confrontation over Vulcan, on top of the Armada interaction. So instead, he doubled back through the gorge where he and Sephiran had made their plummet. With a clearer head, he could see that the Saxe boy’s tracks heading to the west, so he spent that afternoon trailing him through the Redwoods.

After hours of making ground, that familiar violent frame came into view. “Ahh, there you are.” Aresenn said in a lower tone. There was a twinge of pain he felt in his side with each stride, though he did his best to ignore it.