
It's like a kind of torture to have to watch the show



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Expert Hunter (160)

3 Years
Toy size
04-24-2023, 10:55 PM

Cricket had been allowing herself to get her hopes up for once, until Medusa said that she didn't think it would be a good idea. She was used to rejection, as small and odd as she was and she visibly flinched at the words and began to back-pedal underneath Ghoul to make a hasty escape. Words like that rarely came without teeth in her experience and there wasn't much to her with two wolves this big towering over her. If she hadn't bumped against one of Ghoul's twisted but solid limbs, she might have entirely missed the upbeat Just kidding!

Her heart was in her throat, anxiety rolling off her in waves. Her brain was trying to process what her ears had heard, and her body gave a shuddering tremble that she couldn't quite control. She was supposed to be running wasn't she? But then why had she stopped? Kidding, kidding... she knew the word but what did it mean when she was supposed to be running? The giggle. The giggle was good wasn't it? Kidding, giggle... joke? It had been a joke?

Shame washed over the tiny wolf in waves, but she crept forward and forced a hopeful smile onto her lips still ready to spin and run if her brain was betraying her and that wasn't what she had heard at all. She still trembled against Ghoul's foreleg but as Medusa continued, she realised that she hadn't misheard and her tail, though tucked between her heels took up a tentative wave and she nodded to the rank she had been given. "I uh, I like plants, and hunting, though I can't catch much too big on m'own. But I'll do my best... and go wherever there's more need." She was doing her best to get her breathing under control as she looked up to Ghoul with a questioning look. Had she done okay? And where to from here?

”Speech”  ’Thought’

Zoo Wee Mama