
How Many Sunrises Will You Be Blessed With? [Rivin]



Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

3 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
04-25-2023, 12:27 AM

Pyralis was really here. Not as she was, no, her body had been sent to see, set ablaze… Rivin slowed, her ears falling. That smile… it hurt. Yet, at the same time, the yearling was glad. So glad that she could see the older pirate again. Pyralis had been kind of a legend, the sort of pirate the best of them should aspire to be. She snorted, drawing closer. “Tell death to suck a sea urchin! Extra time nothing…! You shouldn’t have left us in the first place!” Rivin paused, close enough to Pyralis to reach out and touch her… yet… you couldn’t touch a ghost, could you? She looked more like colored air than an actual wolf…

“I’ve been surviving. I took what you said to heart but… tearing apart prey isn’t enough anymore.” She admitted. “Not that dad has trained me any… He’s too busy doing.. whatever.” She looked away, towards the ocean. “He’s one of the Most Unholy Sins now…” Her voice got quiet for a moment. “So I’ve been acquiring means to get better on my own. I’ve got a dagger, some leg wraps… A pretty kickass wolverine and a loyal bobcat that come with me…” There was a cold feeling washing over her. Rivin sighed deeply, glancing back at Pyr, seeing her wound. The bloodied mess that had been her throat.

“I hate you were taken from us…” Rivin told her. “I know a pirate doesn’t walk a path favorable to all, but you lived your life better than any wolf I’d ever met. We didn’t have a lot of interaction, but those we did were meaningful.” Rivin furrowed her brow. “You sure we can’t bargain with death to keep you here…?” This time the fight in her voice wavered. “You can feel it, Pyralis… the Plunder isn’t the same… it’s quiet… feels wrong.” Even with the first yearling raid, the raid for those born the same season as herself on the way… it still felt… off.

"Talk," 'Think.'

Rivin has two companions - a bobcat and a wolverine. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.