
'Cause I'm Just A Girl



The Syndicate

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Master Intellectual (244)

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Samhain 2022
04-27-2023, 06:04 PM

After his run-in with Vulcan, he had continued to linger within the pine forest. Their conversation- the enlightenment- had given him quite a bit to think about. And just by existing in close proximity, he felt that he was that much closer to the truth. The history of Incendium. How had his father allowed their family’s kingdom to fall? Why had he fallen in rank with the pirates? Things seemed so clouded with the sudden revelation … not to mention the free fall he had taken with Sephiran to escape the massive white bears. So much had happened in the past few days. It was hard to keep everything straight. Between the fatigue, the bruises, and a possible cracked rib or two, he was pretty slow getting around. Each stride taken sent a twinge of pain through his side. And while he had rested initially, he felt that it was more painful laying around than it was trying to get something accomplished.

Aresenn had made the decision to double back, crossing over his trail as he made his way into a different part of the forest. But just as he was searching for a different path to take, he spotted a familiar lavender frame as it became apparent between the scraggly pine trees. It was the antlered girl from the marketplace. They hadn’t really had the opportunity to interact before the Warlord came and interrupted them. The memory was still vivid in his mind- having refused to fight whichever of her pack mates had come to challenge him- Sephiran having had to answer to Sirius. An amused grin tugged at the corner of his lips as he approached her, an obvious effort to right himself against the pain. It was almost convincing. “Well, if it isn’t the princess.” The Praetor boy mocked. “A little far from home aren’t we?” While he had adopted a teasing sneer, part of him was glad to have the opportunity to run into her again. Not that he had ill intentions, but he did find her snappy attitude entertaining.

"Aresenn Praetor"