
Stolen Away In The Dead of Night



Advanced Fighter (100)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

8 Years
04-27-2023, 07:35 PM

The fight behind her had Isa clenching blue eyes tightly shut. She willed herself to stay still and quiet as the smell of blood mixed with the smell of rain. Screams and snarls echoed throughout the stone cavern and Isa's heart still hammered against her chest. Fate was against her, it seemed. If the slavers were killed, would she be left here to starve to death? A bear wouldn't exactly free her, now would it? Would anyone even think to come for her? She was a slave, afterall. Not terribly important in the pack. Aside from that, rain would have washed away their trail. Worry ate at Isa's mind until she felt as though she would be sick. That would have been bad too, seeing as how her mouth was tied shut.

Then, just as suddenly as the fight started, it stopped. Eyes still clenched tightly shut, Isa felt something touch her and a soft whine pulled from her throat against her will. She waited for the bite to come, but it never did. Instead, her bindings were cut and the blood was soon rushing back to her limbs quite painfully. Pins and needles and acid rushed through the blue woman's legs and paws and another whine drifted free. The binding on her muzzle was sliced away and finally Isa opened her eyes. Oh...

Glacial orbs rested upon the infuriated face of Sirius. The warlord was bloodied and not all of it was his own. Isa had just begun to open her mouth to apologize for causing him trouble when one big paw wrapped around her and she was pulled into a kiss. The kiss wasn't gentle or soft. Quite the opposite. It was rough and hard and full of emotion, just like the man delivering it. The fae's eyes went wide for a moment in shock, but the feel of his lips on hers was surprisingly pleasant and she just couldn't ignore it. Isa returned the kiss, one paw raising to rest on the brute's dark cheek. Eventually she pulled back enough to whisper, "You came for me. I... I didn't think anyone would come." And then the reality of the situation settled in place of the shock and Isa curled her neck, burying her face into the warlords thickly furred chest. Then... she did something that was very out of character. She cried.
