
Bear-ly a problem



The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
04-28-2023, 08:07 PM

Aresenn wasn’t particularly excited for their yearling raid- or at least as much as some of the others. Even still, he followed dutifully along with an unimpressed grimace plastered to his features- one that hadn’t really shown any signs of fading until he noticed Rivin falling behind out of the corner of his eye. Casting an inquiring glance in her direction, he quickly understood what her intentions were. With a casual panning glance around his accompanying pack mates, he too made the conscious effort to slow down. From what he could tell, nobody noticed as they maintained their pace- or if they did, they didn’t indicate as such.

The southern continent wasn’t like their own. While it seemed to be a different season here, there was warmth to the wind’s breath. The glow of autumn softened by something that he couldn’t quite pick out. And while he trailed his sister to the trickle of moving water- he became suddenly aware of the sensation as if he were being watched. Tossing a quick look over his shoulder, he propelled himself forward with a little more urgency. When he broke through the tree line, his amber eyes immediately found the crimson-streaked form of his sibling. At the same time, he was hit with the scent of a far larger predator as it came sweeping across the surface of the river. Narrowing his eyes, he searched the opposite side of the river for such a beast. “Rivin.” He mumbled softly, wanting to get her attention, but at the same time not wanting to alert a threat to their presence. But judging by her body language, she noticed the scent too.

But before they could communicate a plan, a sudden snarl lead his gaze to the lumbering form of a brown bear as it left its cover from a particularly dense undergrowth just a little ways upstream. Tensing his muscles, he did his best to prepare as it charged them to rid its territory of wolves.

"Aresenn Praetor"