
'Cause I'm Just A Girl



The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

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Samhain 2022
04-28-2023, 08:57 PM

As soon as his tone resonated in the space between them, he watched her snap to attention. He wasn’t entirely sure if she shared a mutual feeling of amused distaste, but judging by her sudden onset annoyance, he thought that maybe she did. “Careful, you might give me the impression that you don’t hate my guts.” Aresenn answered with his own sarcasm, offering her a devil-may-care half-smirk as he crossed into a more conversational distance. “But what do you mean into the market? That’s a very generous description of where we were stopped.” He added, recalling that they had hesitated at the entrance. It just wasn’t a guard that intercepted them initially, but rather the antlered girl that stood before him now.  

When she argued that she at least knew how to protect herself, he couldn’t help the roll of laughter that manifested from his chest. “Well that remains to be seen, princess- daddy came to save you last time.” Aresenn was quick to answer, remembering vividly his surprise at seeing a bear ushering her away from the confrontation. But before she would hear his response, the girl suddenly turned on her heels, leaving him where he stood. The Praetor boy stood blinking a moment, a small surge of annoyance forming in his core as his amber gaze lingered on the sway of her stride. The tension broke with a grin as it cracked his features- casually moving to follow her as she pretended to lose interest. He wasn’t buying it. Or maybe this was exactly what she wanted, and if that were the case, shame on him.

He cleared his throat before continuing. “And just so you know, part of protecting yourself is knowing when to stand down- a piece of advice that might save your life one day.” The young Pirate insisted. Even as she was trying to mock him for the outcome of the challenge, he didn’t regret his decision. Given the opportunity to have a do-over, he would make the same choice again. That being said, her words did cause a little bit of a sting. In an effort to try and pursue another topic, he found his voice once again. “What are you even doing out here anyway? I’m surprised you’re not locked away in an ivory tower somewhere after a villain such as myself was apprehended on your front doorstep.” Aresenn sneered, acting as if something caught his attention off in the pine trees. In reality, he watched her from his peripherals, not quite understanding why or how she commanded such an interest from him.

"Aresenn Praetor"