
rob a bank

M for potentially graphic gore



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

2 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Pansexual1K
04-29-2023, 03:09 AM

Roughened and muddy, the young Aeris warrior was busily shredding the carcass of a poor, unsuspecting hare. His family had been lingering in the cool climes of the north for a few weeks now, though his father seemed keen to start preparations to move them elsewhere once summer approached. He didn't particularly care, any new sights were welcome. Not to mention, his father would be able to teach him new skills for fighting on the different terrains all over the place. What more could a boy want? He spit chunks of fur and hide all over the place as he eagerly tore away the animal's skin to get to the still-warm meat beneath. Part of the fun of small prey was not having to share. And he was very keen to avoid that as much as possible. His siblings were always up in his business, and he wanted to take a moment to desecrate a rabbit in peace.

Budding tusks caught the edges of delicate bone and he yanked them up and away, snapping the thin ribs to get to the organ meat within. The cold weather threatened to steal away the pleasure of a warm carcass, so he worked quickly and carelessly to get to the good bits. Miscellaneous fluids soaked the bright fur of his muzzle, staining the downy fluff with shades of pink and red. Crunch, crunch, squelch, squish. He devoured the warm organ meat with zeal, colourful tail thumping happily against the snow-dusted ground. When it came to the rest of the carcass, he started to slow a bit. It wasn't as fun to break open femurs and humerii for the marrow, compared to the glee of decimating a rib cage.

Valerian is an M rated character for violence & gore, as well as an overall mature language warning