
Reforging Destiny




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
04-29-2023, 10:26 PM

As she began to roll out the last of the furs in the temporary den she created for her and Saracyn's celebrations she nodded to her ravens and the trio of ebony birds flew off to head back toward Elysium's territory and kick off the scavenger hunt she had prepared for her twin. She smiled a bit and fidgeted with some of the furs and pillows that she had placed in the small cave not far from the edge of the water at the sound. The lapping of the water against the rocks and the rush of the various waterfalls in the distance kept the silence at bay, but it still felt all too quiet now that she was fully alone and waiting on her brother to arrive. This was certainly a less than traditional way to carry out their soul mating ceremony, but quite literally no part of their relationship was traditional. She knew that Saracyn could best her in a fight fairly readily so that could have been the easy way to go, but part of her just liked the idea of challenging Saracyn and giving him a way to truly earn this right that he had wanted from her so badly. So she spent the last several days laying out the path and preparing clues for her ravens to give him. It was still fairly early in the day so there was plenty of time for him to make it to the sound by the time it got dark.

Domina broke off from the two males as the three ravens began to go to their designated places along the prepared scavenger hunt. She had the honor of giving the first clue and kicking off this whole endeavor so she made a beeline back to the island, easily gliding down through the trees and landing on a branch just outside of the den that the twins had claimed as their own when they moved out of the family's den. Oil slick feathers ruffled and smoothed back against her body as she waited patiently for Saracyn to appear and eventually she spotted the red-marked twin moving through the trees below as he returned from an early morning hunt. With a caw to get his attention, Domina took off again and wheeled down toward the ground with a few sweeping beats of her wings, landing on the dirt in front of him. With a few waddling steps she came to stand in front of him, looking up at the male equivalent of her master with avian tilts of her head. "It's time for your soul mating challenge, young Commander!" the corvid declared, ruffling her wings. "Miss Avacyn has challenged you to a scavenger hunt and you must find her at the other end. Decipher each clue and you will succeed. Your first clue is... 'only in the dark will you be able to spot me where the water reflects my light.' Good luck!" With an amused caw, the raven took off again, sailing off to where her next post would be.

"Avacyn Mendacium"