
At the End of the World




7 Years
Toy size

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipChristmas 2019Treat 2019
04-30-2023, 12:05 PM (This post was last modified: 04-30-2023, 12:06 PM by Gavroche. Edited 1 time in total.)

That morning would begin as most of his days would. Gavroche would wake early, giving affections in the form of kisses and nuzzles to each of his children and Bellamy before he set out with James on a sort of patrol of his own. The tiny winged man had become amused with the concept, checking the various herb patches he, Lucette, and Fenix had started throughout the territories owned by Ethne. It was the day of final harvests, after all, it wouldn’t be long before the frosts came and started to take the lives of the flora in their lands. Gavroche found joy in the task. He had always loved plants, the act of helping soothe hurts instead of adding to them. There was enough pain and suffering in the world without his jaws contributing to those who were suffering. It was something his cousin, Melanthios had appreciated, and even Bellamy, despite her quick to fight nature, had a soft spot for his gentle heart. By her side, he belonged, feeling at peace with the world and the events that had brought him there. There would always be good and bad… but if you could find the good, and find a way to get a happy ending, then the struggles to get there would be worth it.

There had been less plants ready to be harvested than Gavroche had hoped. It was disappointing, and the winged man worried at the lightweight of his bag that it might be enough to replenish Ethne’s stores for winter. Especially with reckless souls like his mate and those who were diligently patrolling their borders. That was what encouraged him to leave Ethne’s lands on his own. He said his farewells to James, unaware that, when he parted ways with his companion, it would be the last time they would ever see each other. Such thoughts were not something that Gavroche ever entertained. He was not naive enough to believe life did not end, but what was the point of fearing the end, when it could prevent you from enjoying what you had while you were alive?

Delicate paws of the winged man lead him into the territory just outside of Ethne’s own. Despite the sun being bright and shining when he left the cave behind the falls that morning in this territory the bright light was choked out, slipping through the thick canopy of grapevine in such small amounts that it was noticeably darker here. His green gaze held a faint glow in the dim light, ears twitching as he heard the occasional scurry of something through the grass. There was a breeze, and with the “roof” above this place, it seemed to only make the territory feel colder. Gavroche fluffed out his coat and feathers. He was never really fond of cold… but now that he was older he was sure he liked it even less. It would be alright though. He’d make his way to God’s Garden near the territory of the Hallows, gather the rest of the herbs the pack would need, and head home. He would be snuggled up next to his beloved and with his children before nightfall.

Gavroche had made it through about half of the cathedral when the familiar, metallic smell of blood invaded his nose. The tiny man slowed, caution entering his heart as he tried to be more mindful of the noise he was making. With big cats drawing close to their territory, and even daring to come into it, there was a chance it could be from the kill of another predator, and Gavroche would rather not tangle with them if he could help it. He moved through the trees, keeping alert for signs of the kill or the one that made it.


I hear the voices say you're never gonna make it
And you're not strong enough to cut through all the tension
These words keep rattling my soul
But I know…

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Gavroche has one companion - a pygmy marmoset. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that he is close by.

As his mate and alpha, Bellamy is allowed in any of Gavroche's threads regardless of how they are marked.