
I Can Feel The Animal Inside

Dorian Fighting Seasonal



Expert Fighter (120)

Advanced Healer (116)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
04-30-2023, 08:40 PM
With his new companion perched on his shoulders and peeking out over the top of his head as he went, he began showing the young stoat all of the places around the pack that he should know and beginning to introduce him to some of the herbs that he had learned from his father so far. When he had asked his mother for a companion to keep with him the same way she had her companions with her almost all the time he hadn't really known what kind of companion he'd want, but he had all of the faith that she would figure out what he needed and it seemed like his faith hadn't been misplaced. Little Copper had hardly left his side since they were introduced and was already proving to be very helpful in collecting harder to reach herbs and plants and even with hunting little rodents and the like. Sure, Copper wasn't as fierce looking as Ears or Whiskers, but he didn't need him to be. He just wanted a buddy to take around him him during his foraging trips and to help him out if he got in a scuffle and he was certainly good at both of those things!

Their exploring and explaining eventually brought him near the edge of the territory that was closest to the shore line and if he paid attention he could hear the whooshing crash of the waves against the sands in the distance. He generally tried to avoid leaving the pack lands just so he wouldn't risk getting himself in trouble, but he didn't mind getting close to the fringes of his mother's territory or maybe making a quick run down to the beach to collect things like seashells or driftwood. Sometimes he'd even find an interesting clump of seaweed or some crustaceans if he happened to wander that way right after the high tide retreated. He walked along the tree line, pausing occasionally to let Copper sniff at a new plant while he explained what it was so that Copper could even start collecting leaves and herbs on his own if he wanted. The stoat was small enough that he doubted there would ever be a reason for them to not be together, but just in case he was more than glad to show his companion some things he could do to be helpful or fill time!

However, this peaceful trip through this portion of forest was interrupted by the sound of a howl calling for help in the distance and the faint sound of growls and snaps through the foliage. His ears perked up with worry and even though he probably should have waited for one of the older members of the pack to answer first he still rushed toward the sound, feeling copper grip onto tuffs of his fur on his scruff to hold on as he began to run. He skidded to a top right at the edge of the trees where it opened up onto the beach, emerald gaze falling on the girl that was currently keeping three very hungry looking coyotes at bay. With a frown he frantically began to look around to find something that he could use to distract the coyotes further or maybe even scare them off. Even though this girl looked like she was ready to stand up to these hungry predators, he didn't think even the two of them could take all three on by themselves without ending up hurt and he certainly didn't want that to happen!

With a tug on his ear, Copper got his attention and pointed toward a branch that had fallen from a near by tree that was dried up with just some browning leaves clinging to it. The ermine then skittered down his back and wriggled into the pouch he was carrying to retrieve a set of flint and steel that was tucked inside. Dorian grinned at the clear suggestion the stoat was trying to make and quickly put the plan into action, grabbing the flit and steel that he had been practicing with and getting to work setting the branch on fire. With the branch now alight with flame, he bounded forward with some barks and growls that were slightly muffled by the unlit end of the branch that he was carrying in his mouth. He got the coyotes' attention very quickly and he went charging at them, swinging the flaming stick toward them and making them stumble and trip over themselves to get out of the way. Hungry or not, getting burned seemed to be not worth it in their eyes and the trio quickly turned and high-tailed it off of the beach, disappearing back into the brush. He grinned triumphantly, his tail wagging excitedly as he went to drop the branch in a near by puddle to put it out, glad that he had managed to scare off the predators before anything bad could happen.

WC: 826
Total: 1659 / 1500
