
Dust Devils

Hermes/Nav Seasonal



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Navigator (235)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
04-30-2023, 11:31 PM

The moments had felt like an eternity, stretching out forever as Enki ran towards the pup. But, what felt endless had been no more than a few moments in time. He reaches the pup, unceremoniously slamming into him and shoving the stranger to the ground. The pudgy cub that had been waddling after the pup reaches the pair not too long after and pins them to the ground. With the added weight, the water will not be able to sweep them away.

What the pup had been running from is upon them and Enki slams his eyes shut, turning his head to bury his face underneath his armpit. Ears flatten to keep as much of the sand out of his ears and the pair wait out the swirling winds. It is gone quickly and a wave crashes near them, spraying the trio with its frothy water. The stranger yells and Enki blinks open his eyes, squinting against the raging storm around them.

Craning his neck so his mouth is close to the pup’s ear, the yearling calmly tells him, “We are going to run back the way you came. I will make sure your bear makes it safely across. Okay, on the count of three.” Looking up to the cub that pins the boys, Enki gives the bear a small nod before slowly counting down, “One.” The wind howls its displeasure, screaming at them its rage that the boys have dared to challenge the storm.

“Two.”, Lightning flashes brightly, blinding white in the darkness that the clouds create. Thunder chases the light, booming fiercely as Enki breathes out, “Three.” The bear shifts, releasing the boys from its weight and the yearling swiftly pushes himself to his paws and shouts, “Go slow! Be sure to keep your paws under you!” With that, the trio carefully make their way back to land, not stopping until they are back on solid land and far away from the water.

Together, the trio wait out the storm far from the reaches of the angry ocean.

WC: 340
Total WC: 1788 / 1500

"Enki Klien"