

lurid or reqium



Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

05-01-2023, 02:44 PM
T he wary stare from the kinkajou was not missed by Requiem. He had served as the Amarix family’s sword and shield for far too long to drop those old habits any time soon. He did not return the companion’s cautious leer, instead giving it a passive glance, yet remained alert at Lurid’s side. He did not suspect anything would turn violent in this interaction, but he had been surprised by bouts of aggression before. The wolf introduced herself as Corbie Silverwind and the alpha of the pack Avalon. Requiem tipped his head to Corbie, committing her name, her pack, and her role to memory. Lurid met her pleasantries with some of her own, introducing herself and him as well. At Corbie’s mention of rumors of Mirovis making their rounds across Boreas, Requiem couldn’t help but chuckle. If there were any certainties to life, it was that death came for everyone and that wolves would gossip like old women. "Only bad things, I hope," he joked in reply, though there was a surreptitious touch of genuineness to his jest. Lurid was destined to lead an empire of monsters, after all.

W hile Lurid addressed Corbie’s curiosity in tones the dire brute knew were saccharine sweet to cover for her irritation at being disrupted, Req would give a little cautionary glance towards his mate, yet said nothing to allow the two alphas to speak. He could understand Lurid’s frustrations having to entertain idle curiosity and inane rumors, but these were wolves they would need to know and work with while they built their empire. They came from packs and families that had withstood time and trial. They could be powerful allies or dangerous foes. Setting the initial tone went a long way to fostering good will—at least for now. Best to play nice with the new strangers.

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.