
You belong to me forever and always


10-23-2013, 07:43 PM

A groan would rumble from the boys chest as her fangs kissed his flesh. Soft laughter bubbled in her won throat as he was blind sided by Cena, barely catching the words he spoke under his breath. The feline chuckled to herself before leaving the boy alone and resuming her post several few away. Cat would return her attention to her little shadow, fixating her gaze on him, planning on enticing him even further. She would stand beside him, barking a light order at him. "Stand." Softly spoken words held an underlying threat. She waited until he came to his full height before she began to pace in cirlces around him.

"Surely you have already attempted to set this plan in motion?" A brow lifted as she casted a brief look over her shoulder as she pressed her smaller frame against his left side, taking slow and deliberate steps. As she moved her tongue would lash out against the fresh wounds left be Cena's claws.

"Tell me, what have you done?" She continued in her tight circle around him, giving him a light nip with every step she took without him answering her. Already ideas formed in her mind. Alpha. The woman had a pack, which meant that she had a family, children no doubt. One by one she would stand back and watch as they all fell at the jaws of her little shadow. He would get what he wanted and in return she would get his freedom, there would be no challenging for it. "If I help you, then you are mine." She had completed a circle and stopped at his shoulder, maw tilted up towards his ear, "Forever."

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"