
Sleepless Night


10-23-2013, 09:55 PM

A grin surfaced as the child accepted her offer, and the alabaster princess stood up slowly. "Tis no problem at all, dear Odette. I have a place in mind, where I can get to and from Ludicael easily." She murmured, letting her tail swish back and forth over her tall heels a few times. Twin raven's feathers twirled, dancing an erratic ballet in the cool air. Corvusi stood as well, yawning, which displayed her needle like teeth perfectly. "No doubt you're tired, little one, would you like me to carry you?" She asked, taking in the youngster's distant gaze and small legs that were no doubt tired from the long walk from the South. Steel pigmented optics flickered over the girl's tiny frame, wishing she could just pick her up and carry her away right then, but she felt the pup would be displeased if she didn't want to be babied. The den site she had planned was in Monument Rapids, on the bank of a river that carried water into the lands of her pack, which she could easily follow on a daily basis to keep tabs on her pack.

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