
Tiger by the toe



7 Years
Toy size

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipChristmas 2019Treat 2019
05-06-2023, 04:42 PM

Sweet child. Gavroche’s expression softened at her question, heart melting in his chest… which turned to a pang of hurt. She wanted to find her mom… Well, that would be… impossible. She was among the stars now, among the Divinities that governed their world. Gavroche gave a small nod, trying to address the questions the cub had as gently as possible. “I will do what I can.” It wasn’t a lie, but it also didn’t alert her of what had happened yet. He didn’t want to risk upsetting her further, and having her run off with an untreated wound. With as young as she was, being in such a state could be… problematic for certain. Gavroche drew in a breath… only to find Bae-Syl arriving. He frowned a little, ears falling at what the rainbow marked man had to say.

He wasn’t sure what to say. He knew Bae-Syl’s concern came from the right place. He was sure Lucy had told him about what happened with Hay… but… He glanced at the cub. This one’s mother wouldn’t be coming back. Couldn’t come back. It was impossible… and without her… she… Gavroche drew in a breath, preparing to speak, when he heard Bellamy behind him. His head turned, and his ears fell flat, worried for his mate as he saw her pained expression. It clicked for her as well. The realization that the cub’s mother had come into Ethne in desperation, seeking food, and when she tried to nab Hay… He saw her shift, the guilt and the weight on her shoulders. Gavroche drew in a breath. It was… hard to explain to a kid their mother was dead… and Bellamy hadn’t exactly been clear on what had happened… how could she be, when the guilt of it all was heavily on her? The knowledge she had taken a mother away from her daughter?

“Your mother has joined the stars…” Gavroche added. “She no longer can run down here with us… and until you no longer wake up, you won’t be able to go to her.” Death was… a rough subject. Gavroche lowered his head a little, wanting to be more on level with the tiny feline, though it wasn’t like he was very big anyway. “We won’t chase you off. You…” He offered a small, sad smile. “You can stay with us, as long as you want or need. We’ll keep you safe. There’s lots of other kids here, even a bear cub. So you’d have others you can play with.”

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Gavroche has one companion - a pygmy marmoset. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that he is close by.

As his mate and alpha, Bellamy is allowed in any of Gavroche's threads regardless of how they are marked.

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1. Tiger by the toe Cattail Creek 10:12 PM, 04-14-2023 06:14 AM, 09-25-2023