
Almost adults

Briar and all the kids ♥



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
05-07-2023, 10:49 AM

Sleep wasn’t often a very restful experience for her- for even as she laid deeply unconscious among her siblings, her astral self was in the wind and stars. Ranging beyond what was familiar, and making up what she had yet to see. She climbed the tallest mountains with ease, she swam entire oceans in moments. As she began to hear the dawn birds sing, she found the most beautiful flowering forest. And just as she began her walk through a shower of petals, she became aware of her mother’s gentle voice calling her home

Talyssa’s pale gaze fluttered open as she blinked away the sleepiness that wasn’t quite ready to release her.  She offered a hazy grin to her mother as she rigidly pulled herself into a sitting position. “Bună dimineața, Mami” She greeted softly, followed by a stifled yawn. She glanced toward her parent’s bed, seeing her father had already left on his morning patrol- which was typical. However, what did catch her attention was the mention of a birthday breakfast. With a slow wag of her tail, she rose to her paws as she made her way out of their family’s room, and down to the great hall- momentarily leaving her mother behind to rouse her more stubborn siblings.

As she ventured out of the foyer and into the hall, her father’s massive frame came into view near the alpha’s table. Talyssa was met with surprised confusion, coming to a stop as she glanced toward the windows to gauge time. It was still early- early enough that she expected her sire to still be out on his patrol. With a sleepy grin and an inquiring set to her brow, she continued on, gently clearing her throat to speak. “Bună dimineața, Tati. Este totul în regulă?” She asked as she approached the elevated platform. It was easy to see the five bundles situated atop the table. But before she could process that, she wanted to gain insight on the circumstance that had led her father to either skip patrol or return early. The birthday breakfast her mother had mentioned, long forgotten.

"Talyssa Carpathius"