
Reforging Destiny



"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
05-08-2023, 03:12 PM

Saracyn shot a reflexive glower up at the trio of ravens when the third one made a comment about growing nervous with his progress, but they all seemed to be pleased with how he was proceeding so far, so the prince decided not to pursue it further. Let the birds have their jokes. He'd be having Avacyn soon enough. Cogitare gave him the final clue to Avacyn's location, and the avian was right; it was an easy puzzle for him to solve. Love's first kiss. No matter how many kisses he and Avacyn shared since that fateful day over a year ago now, Saracyn would never forget that moment for the rest of his life. That night watching the northern lights with Ava after their chaotic day of literally fighting the world had been the moment where the Mendacium prince had found his place and purpose in this world—at Avacyn's side, from this day until the end of his days. Cerulean eyes alighting with realization, a grin spread across the Commander's face just as the ravens cawed their laughter and fluttered out of the cellar.

Sara made his way outside and gave a whistle for his raptors. Vindr swooped down and landed on his back, tilting his head to his master as he awaited further instructions. "Go back to the den and retrieve my token," he commanded the avian, knowing that he would know what he was speaking of. "Bring it to me in the Polar Sound." Vindr gave a croak of understanding and took to the sky again, heading back to Elysium while Saracyn and Veior made their way northward along the coast towards the Polar Sound. The sun was moving towards the western horizon in the late afternoon by the time he made it to the northern inlet, following the rocky coast as he sniffed about for any traces of Avacyn. He knew she wouldn't just be out and about and would be hidden away for him to find... but where would she be? As he searched, a caw from overhead caught his attention. Vindr had returned, gliding down to settle on the wolf's back, a silver shimmer of jewelry clutched in his beak. Sara dipped his head and Vindr slipped the necklace around his neck for safekeeping. Now that he had his token to give Avacyn for their soul mating ceremony, he was ready to find her.

After searching for a bit more, the smell of woodsmoke from nearby caught his attention. The trail led him down to the water's edge, and then to a cave just off the rocky embankment. His heart thrummed with excitement, pounding against his chest. This was it; the moment he'd been dreaming of for almost all his life! Glancing back to his raptors, Sara gave them a simple order, "Return home." His companions obeyed without hesitation, leaving the crimson brute to handle this last part of his ceremony on his own, and granting the soon-to-be-mated couple their privacy. Practically buzzing with excitement, the dire brute walked up to the mouth of the cave and past the burning fire to peer inside. The sight that greeted him made his breath catch and his heart skip a beat. There she lay, spread out across a vast bed of plush furs and bathed in firelight, swathed in a sheer robe of fine fabric that accentuated all of her feminine curves and shapes while concealing just enough to entice him.

"Avacyn..." Saracyn spoke her name on an airy breath, grinning from ear to ear at the sight of his beloved. Cerulean eyes blazed with triumph for having completed his challenge and desire for the luscious fae before him and his marking glowed all the brighter with his racing heartbeat. Not wasting any time, Saracyn began to move towards her, his gaze never leaving hers as he drew closer until he was almost over top of her. He wanted nothing more than to simply take Ava then and there, to claim her as his for now and forever more, but he knew they weren't done just yet. She had put so much effort into doing this properly, and he would follow the ceremony to the letter with her since he knew how important this was to her—to them. But that still didn't stop the enamored brute from climbing over top of her so he could press his muzzle to hers and claim her mouth in a deeply passionate kiss, a heady groan of love and need rumbling deep inside his throat as he tasted her. Breaking their lips apart after a few long moments, Saracyn proceeded to cover Avacyn's face and jaw in little nips and kisses, leisurely working his way down the side of her neck. "Say the words... Bind us together..." he whispered in husky, desire-filled tones as he nipped at her throat, not caring how difficult he made this for her. She was finally his, and he would finally be hers, for all eternity. He was going to savor and enjoy this night so that they would remember it forever.

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.
