
killing strangers

Freedom Challenge! Oh boy!



Advanced Fighter (95)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
05-08-2023, 11:59 PM

The familiar bird had brought the news that morning. His mother was dead, slaughtered trying to protect one of his siblings. And where had Viscera been? Trapped in these wretched tar pits, a captive to a woman he'd sooner see drowned in the stinking muck all around than upon his mother's throne. He sharpened his talons, cleaned the debris from his fur. As he loped towards the boundary between the reeking territory and its neighbouring pristine meadow, he felt and looked every inch the Klein prince he once was. More now, having grown into his once lanky limbs and filling out with corded muscle. A proper heir for the empire that had been stolen away from his beloved mother.

He wanted the advantage of his full sight, so he'd waited until nightfall. The last vestiges of twilight left the western horizon with all the pigments of a fresh bruise, and the eastern sky glittered with the cold indifference of stars. Only the faint sliver of a waxing crescent moon began to climb towards the heavens, barely enough to see by. Yet here he stood, turning his back to the tar pits and towards freedom. The slate marked brute tipped back his skull and loosed a howl, demanding Medusa show herself. He wanted his freedom, and he would take it out on her hide.

Eerie eyes tracked the movements of a few shadowed figures in the distance, wondering if one of them was the slave queen preparing to meet his challenge. His two companions circled around him, keeping an eye on his blind spots for a surprise attack. He flexed his talons in the cool dirt, every muscle in his body quivering with anticipation. Viscera wasn't fully prepared, but he didn't care anymore. He wanted to bury his mother, and he wanted to carve every ounce of his rage into the flesh of her murderer.

Viscera Klein vs Medusa Mortem for Freedom

Round 0/2 (?)

Age: 1+

Size: Extra large

Build: Medium

Companion 1: Maine Coon, Female - Battle - Boosted

Companion 2: Vampire bat, Male - Flying

Mutation 1: Eagle talons

Skills: Advanced Fighter & Beginner Healer
