
Losing My Grip



10-24-2013, 12:36 AM

The war among the wolves was still going on and Maija's was still proceeding in her mind. Thoughts and emotions rolled into one fought against each other, pushing back and forth like a fight between two gangster girls in high school. Pretty soon, all of them would clash together into blurs of colors and emotions, rolling past the inside of her eyelids and painting pictures across them. She felt her head spin, her chest catch from shortness of breath, and she slowly tried to pull herself away from it all. The breakdown was coming. She knew it.
Maija didn't want to be around the members that had come together to remain safe. She felt her legs itch, her paws craving the open land that would take her away from the sources that made her thoughts run wild. Tortuga...the war...Taurig... It was all she could do to pull off a stoic fa?ade as she silently padded away from the crowd within the heart of Tortuga. Maija knew that not many wolves knew who she was, and for the first time in a long time, she was happy that no one thought of her.
The cool breezes of autumn still swept across the land, acting as if there wasn't a war going on between brethren of the same species. She was relieved that her pack wasn't located too close because she didn't know how she would handle it compared to how her mind was working now. A pang in her head caused a throbbing and she stumbled in her usual graceful stride. 'Not too far now,' she thought as she pushed herself to walk through the woods that were beginning to smell and look like her preferred hunting grounds. Not too far from the border but not close to the large group of fellow pack members, Maija found a temporary place of solace. She stopped beneath a looming pine and leaned against its might trunk with a resigned sigh. How much more could she handle?

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