
On The Prowl

prey hunt



3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022All Oozed OutOoze ImmuneThe Ooze ParticipantMammoth Hunter
05-09-2023, 01:32 PM

Well he was officially back in Armada lands, he was slowly moving his life on from the deep hole in it, he'd finally moved himself out of the bar, that had always been his thing and frankly Malachai was happier further away from the general public that often milled about the market place. With that over and done with now he honestly just wanted to take a walk, shake the rust off his limbs. He had something he wanted to do and he needed to just move the fuck on so he could do what he had to do. Not that it would be easy of course but he'd always been good at just not having much emotion beyond his anger anyways so he had practice at least.

His stomach was asking for a meal now though and what better way to get back into the groove than to hunt for himself? He'd made for the beach, honestly just expecting to catch some birds or something and then call it a night. But when he arrived he was frustrated to find that what few water fowl could be found were further out into the ocean than he was willing to swim, of course, sleeping further away from danger. The man growled, a low and soft sound, plodding along the beach hoping he'd spot something much easier and requiring less swimming. What he found instead was another wolf, he wasn't exactly social so he wasn't sure if he'd seen this other man much, he was ready to just call it and go take something from the stores when a tumbling of rocks and lowing caught his attention. Malachai stopped for a moment, head lifting, ears perked and his whole body alive. There! Hiding near one of the ridges of the col that extended closer to the beach was a young musk ox, the herds had probably moved down from the heights for the summer but this was hardly their usual grazing grounds, so this one had gotten separated from it's herd then? Malachai eyed it up, then took a few steps to catch up with the brown man to nudge him, jerking his head towards the ox, it was young enough that two wolves could probably take it down. He didn't even consider that the other man might now want to hunt right now.

Art by Asphodely
[Image: eqRWCiM.gif]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.