
tell me that you need me


10-24-2013, 01:07 AM

She wasn't unwilling to share about her history and it made him a bit less tense as she said that he didn't need to apologize, a small smile pulling up the edges of his lips as he studied her. But he felt pressure returned as he leaned in to touch her and for a moment he lingered, not wanting quite yet to pull away. The touch ended all too quickly in his opinion and seemed to have left her at a bit of a loss for words. Maybe some other time they could speak of her past. He wanted to know, honestly... He wanted to know as much about her as he possibly could, learn everything she was willing to share.

He was glad she followed him and even more glad at her proximity as she sat. She was close enough that the tips of their fur touched and he could feel her body heat radiate off of her. It was close enough that he could almost get drunk off the scent of her heat. He had to close his eyes for a moment, counting slowly to five before he launched into his tale. She was attentive, rapt with curiosity as he spoke and he couldn't help but smile despite the nature of his tale. It had been a long time since someone had listened to him so attentively, had listened to a story of his past without judgement or a condescending remark. He appreciated it, almost as much as he appreciated the opening for him to actually share a bit about himself. She really was an enchanting woman...

Her words drew Friction back to the present and he turned his head to find himself almost nose to nose with Eria, immediately his ears folding back and his neck arching to give themselves a bit more room to breath. He needed more room to breath, her scent was driving him wild. But her words rooted him, her beautiful voice floating through the veil of her scent and bringing him back to the present. He couldn't help but stare in open wonder at her as she gazed out at the lands with hope evident on her features. In this moment she was so beautiful, every emotion written so freely on her features. She had no walls up, no guards. The fact that she trusted him enough to show this side of her made his heart almost ache. She wanted to share these things? He wanted nothing more then to share them with her, to be the father of her children, to be the one to hold her at night and spend the rest of his life with her. But they had just met and he felt uneasy saying such things to her. What is she rejected him? What if she was simply speaking figuratively and didn't mean to imply anything...

He turned his gaze back out to the landscape, unconsciously leaning a bit closer to her so that their hips just barely brushed against each other. What could he say? "Thank you Eria... Its comforting to know there are good wolves out there..." He said softly, feeling stupid just saying it but feeling it was better then professing his undying love for her when it could very well be a trick of her heat. He had sworn to never love again after Rayne and then again after Aislyn but here it was, his heart opening up once more in search for love. He was hurt, broken and wounded, he didn't want it anymore and yet his whole body yearned for it. Slowly he turned his head and leaned forward to place a tentative lick upon her cheek, then pulling back to smile softly at her. She hadn't rejected his touch thus far and prayed that she wouldn't start now. "The mother of my daughter wanted motherhood more then she wanted love, she called out for someone and met me. I guess by chance love followed the the path of our daughter but that wasn't what she intended. Are you looking for love first and then motherhood? Or simply children and then hoping love will follow?" He had to ask, the question gnawing at his mind. He wanted love and then children now, hell he just wanted love... He would be fine never having children again if he could find someone to love but he liked the idea of having a second chance at being a father...