
a dreary late evening


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
05-11-2023, 11:17 AM

Winter would prove its worth as she trekked away from the bamboo. Now hung in limbo as she awaited the discussion between Hattori and Vidarr, Tenshi could feel the emotions broil within her. She had yet to see the sun that day as storm clouds rolled in off the horizon. The clouds hung low in the sky and brought with them a blustery wind that ruffled her coat until it was an unruly mess. It was unlike her to appear so unkempt but she couldn't deny the frustration that slowly built within her. As the rain threatened to fall, a few droplets here and there, she made her way toward the Runestones. Her paws would slide across the grass with silent steps as she prowled. Keeping her head lowered and her brow furrowed, it was obvious she wasn't in the mood for any sort of polite conversation.

From the way her tail stayed even with her spine and the hair along her back raised, she was anything but welcoming. Her steely gaze glowered at the towering stones as they glowed softly in what pale moonlight filtered down from the sky. The wind continued to swirl and blow over the grassy fields as she finally stopped in the middle of the ritualistic circle. Raising her lips to the sky she released a howl that was full of sorrow and contempt. How could all of this have happened to her? All she had wanted was happiness and yet... She stood there feeling sorry for the bastard.

Tenshi wasn't stupid. She knew the kindness that Hattori had extended when he took her in. Little did he know that her original plan was to take him back - dead or alive - to the place he called home so she could enact revenge. That had been what she had come here for. Because it was his lineage that had raided, destroyed, and burnt her entire clan to the ground. They had ruthlessly invaded her territory. Taking her lover, her family, and her offspring with them until their blood ran in rivers down the mountainside. She had fought valiantly. Only barely escaping death herself as they left her there assuming the worst. It was a near miracle that she survived. Laying there in not only her blood but that of her children as she grasped every breath hoping that she would join them as well.

Unfortunately, she would not be joining them then or now. Instead, she stood there with her howl echoing over Auster telling the story of her agony and loss. Even still, she could not be angry with Hattori. It wasn't his fault. He had not been there. His own family had thought he was dead. They had no idea he was truly alive and she had come here on rumor alone that he was hiding away. Would it not make her just as bad as them if she had attempted her plan? Would it not be better for her to take the high road and leave to spend her life with Vidarr? Or whoever would suit her fancy? Did Vidarr even truly have feelings for her or would he string her along too? Men.

As her head lowered and her lips raised into a sneer as she released a guttural growl. Her body would tremble as her toes flexed into the soft dirt beneath her. Animals would scurry back into their dens as they scented the fury radiating from her body. In an instant, though her body was bulky, she lunged forward toward one of the stones. Tilting her chin toward her chest, she struck out at the runes with her antlers. Though she wished for the heavy stone to fall, it held firm. Almost taunting her with the way the carvings glowed before her, she struck out again. This time her shoulder leaned in and shoved with all of her might. Breaths grunted from between gritted teeth as she bruised and battered her thickened skin. Chips flew from her golden antlers as she took out all of her energy on the mysterious pillars.

If someone were to cross her path... There was no telling what she would do...

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1. a dreary late evening The Runestones 11:17 AM, 05-11-2023 03:25 PM, 09-21-2023