
Losing My Grip


10-24-2013, 01:25 AM

The mountainous terrain that Aoi found himself navigating was proving to annoy him, more than entertain him. But, It was for good cause, his mental map now expanded vastly across the land that which several creatures resided. And now He could almost point someone in a direction they sought out. However, exploring this threat posed a great danger to him, as he knew immediately upon arrival, that a group of wolves called this area home, and an encounter with a pack was on the bottom of Aoi's list of things to do today. The scents in the air had him on his toes, lying low as he crept through the odd land, he wasn't used to elevation like this, or the atmosphere. For autumn, it was slightly warmer here, slightly humid even, but still cold.

He continued to creep along silently, cautiously avoiding patrols though it made him look mighty suspicious. If worst came to pass, he would simply apologize for trespassing, offer his assistance, or possibly exit accordingly depending on the reactions of whoever encountered him. he stopped to ponder how meeting someone of this land would go for a few moments before catching a familiar scent. Here? He froze, memories of who the scent belonged to flooding his mind, questions, answers, information zipped through his mind at near light-speed before deciding to chance upon the scent actually belonging to who he assumed it belonged to. He padded anxiously towards the source, occasionally stopping to more accurately determine the location of its source before continuing onward.

Aoi froze once again in his tracks upon reaching his destination, seeing as he was so focused on possibilities in his head, he near plowed into the female that which he knew immediately was the same one he'd assisted when he was mentally mapping the northernmost lands. He wondered if she had recovered properly from whatever ailed her. By the looks of her from Aoi's quick glance-over, She still seemed as stressed as before, and immediately he felt concerned, should she pass out once more, he didn't think this place would offer the same solitude for him to help her to her feet once again. He wondered if she had even noticed he was there at this point. Considering Aoi had unintentionally placed himself alarmingly close to her, somehow he doubted that would be the case, like before. He softly cleared his throat before softly speaking an awkward greeting, unsure of what to even say at this moment, but enough to let her know he was present at least. "Hello once again, Madam." He held a very soft, polite tone, in the event that she hadnt noticed him, scaring her to death being sarcastic, hostile, or anything other than his approach wouldn't likely turn out well. He waved his tail enthusiastically to reinforce his greeting as not wanting unpleasantness, like they had their first meeting, and awaited her response.
