
Can You Feel It Too?


10-24-2013, 02:59 AM

The males eyes closed in contentment as he felt Aeil press her body deeper into the crevices of his, molding them closer then they ever had been before. He swallowed back the slight nervousness that began to pick up, though it quickly faded as he tossed such feelings aside. They had spent numerous times together, why was he still getting nervous anyway? The answer revealed itself shortly after that thought as Aeil replied to hi poor excuse. He gazed down at her to look into her beautiful ever changing blue eyes, her smile sending warmth throughout his body and making his heart jolt. Indeed, he could see himself making more excuses in the future to be able to share this closeness again. But why continue his time making excuses when he could just do it with a reason? He exhaled a slightly nervous breath, and when he inhaled, he would inhale the warm and soothing scent of Aeil. It indeed drove him to a new state of emotion as well as a new state of mind. It was relaxing, soothing, yet at the same time it made his heart jump and his stomach tense with the feelings that something was flying around inside like a caged bird...except, it didn't feel bad. Dragon lowered his head onto her back, his tail wrapping around her smaller form to keep away the cold bite. Already he could feel the warmth resonating within her, and it would spread towards him. Though whenever she was around, he always felt warm and fuzzy.

He felt the warmth of her tail land atop his, and Dragon wanted nothing more then to intertwine his tail with hers. He refrained, however, as he wanted to keep this warm embrace for as long as he possibly could. Her head would rest atop his forelegs, and Dragon would adjust his position ever so slightly to allow for more comfort for the two of them, as well as to shift them tighter together. He couldn't believe that he was in this moment with her, so intimate and so close. He would preserve this memory and these feelings for as long as he lived.

He had begun to drift off into sleep. For several nights it would seem that he had been unable to attain a good nights sleep;restlessness always claiming him in the end. The dreams he had night after night always in some form contained someone whom he held close to his heart. And when he thought about it and whenever he would look at her, he knew she was the girl of his dreams. A soft sigh escaped his lips, and he thought sleep would claim him if only for a moment before her sweet voice broke through, calling his name. Slowly, eyelids drifted open as he listened carefully to her next thought. He would gaze down from his position, his eyes flickering outside as well as he thought to answer her question. "To be honest, I've never felt that way...until I met you, Aeil." He paused for a moment, wondering if he should continue or wait for her reaction to his respose...with a soft smile, he decided that he would wait for her reaction, as there was much more he wanted to say.

Lots of emotions would begin to flood his body, intermingling together to bring him to the same end result. The shyness, however, was kept at bay while the courage would rise up. He knew it was only a matter of time before he would finally decide to voice his thoughts and feelings to her, and he wondered if today was the day for that.