
Almost adults

Briar and all the kids ♥


The Hallows

Master Fighter (241)

Expert Navigator (182)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

2 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
05-11-2023, 11:39 PM

Thorn had gone to bed with the knowledge he would be going to sleep as a pup but tomorrow he would be a full year old.  He’d been chomping on the bit from puppyhood to get older and aimed for more intense training with a sword.  The idea of being a year old certainly felt more adult-like in his mind.  The once small pup had grown, and it felt for a while as if he was growing inches every day!  Puppy fat had been turning into muscle from all the time he spent exercising and practicing.  Thorn slept easily most nights, and this one was no exception.  There was some sort of magic in lying down alongside family, that soothed the soul, erasing any excitement or concerns and let one drift off to blissful dark sleep.  The breathing and warmth of his siblings were like a thick blanket of warmth and security.

It felt as if he had just gone to bed when Mom was waking them up.  Thorn always fell asleep with his belly on the ground but once he fell asleep he’d end up rolled over with his belly in the air and front paws tucked into his chest.  When mom came by a half-awake Thorn’s paw stretched out, potentially smacking anyone in its path.  Opening his eyes Mom got a lick of good morning before Thorn rolled himself up and onto his feet. “Morning Mom.”

Birthday breakfast sounded great!  His attention quickly went to Dusk and the energy radiating from her.  The boy grinned at her energy, hoping that whatever Dusk was imagining indeed came to pass.  He recalled the party at the Armada and wondered how the Armada party would compare to the hallows.  Breakfast first, then they’d see what else the day had to offer.

Thorn made his way down with the family to the great hall, spying his dad had also come for the breakfast meal.  It only took a split second longer to see not only was dad here but presents.  Presents!!  Thorn had been forcing himself not to expect something that might not happen which was really hard with an awareness of Dusk’s excitement.  Now, the boy’s grin stretched his face, teeth exposed before jogging over to bump his forehead into his dad’s shoulder for a moment.  “Morning Dad!”

Thorn took a spot for himself at the table, close to where Dad sat, and with his eyes trained on the wrapped presents as he tried to imagine what might be in each one and wondered who would get which.

"Carpathius Family"