
'Cause I'm Just A Girl



"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
05-13-2023, 08:35 PM

The boy returns her eyeroll with a broad grin and Andy does her best to shrug off just how charming he can look. A snort is offered to his words and she works hard to keep her expression neutral, boarding on the verge of being bored. The conversation moves on and she brings up the fact that her father was protecting her from his friend. His words lift her brows as a small grin tugs at her lips and a hint of the real Andromeda peeks through her carefully maintained façade. It shows a girl who loves to joke and tease, who enjoys her time spent with others, and who is always ready to go explore.

But, before he can get any more than a glimpse, the girl slips the cool mask of indifference back into place. The fire-kissed boy does have a point about the misunderstanding and Andy relents, saying, “Well, I guess you aren’t that stupid. Still, it would have been fun if you tried.” This time she cannot stop the amusement that pulls her lips up, her eyes sparkling with unvoiced humor in that moment. Suddenly, she remembers she is not supposed to care and the bright rays of joy that had begun to peek out are quickly squashed as pulls the smile into a frown. Damn, he really is making her work to keep up her stoic expression.

The dig at him being outclassed is repeated back and a smirk appears as he visibly recoils, the girl celebrating a small victory of… well, what she isn’t exactly sure. His next words pull a genuine laugh from Andy and her eyes round slightly in surprise. Shit, he actually made her laugh. The exasperation he offers at her wounding with words has the girl’s pale blue gaze sweeping over to him. A brow lifts in silent assessment before she offers, “Am I? And here I thought we were both giving insults just as good as the other.”

True, she has been trying to ruffle his feathers, to get reactions out of him by carefully placing barbed words but she doesn’t actually mean anything bad by… well, anything. He goes on to talk about fairytales and Andy notices the way he looks to her before turning his gaze back to the surrounding territory. A part of her wonders if he is embarrassed by the fact that he likes those stories and, for a moment, she considers using it as more ammo against him. She banishes the thought almost as quickly as it forms, knowing that they all need to have something in their lives that they enjoy.

Speaking of which… the talk turns to villains and she stops short, her eyes narrowing as she keeps the conversation rolling, her tongue firing insults as rapidly as it can. Andy’s heart suddenly picks up speed as she realizes just how close the boy is and, to her immense surprise, she realizes it isn’t because she is afraid of him. At his words of her thinking he is a villain, the girl tilts her head slightly to the side and looks at him with a serious, assessing eye. After a moment, soft tones say, “We are all villains in someone’s story.”

This time, the somber look that tugs her features down isn’t forced or even for the boy’s amusement. No, there is truth in the words and she knows that, to him and his strange friend, she may very well be the villain in their narrative. After a moment, she shrugs her lavender shoulders and admits, “But, honestly, you don’t look like a villain to me. Maybe your choice of friends isn’t the best but… who I am to judge?” Another shrug is offered as her rough edges slowly dull, revealing a softer wolf underneath.

He seems to realize that he is close and pulls back, which has her feeling… confused? Damn it, he is causing her to feel funny and strange which she does not like. Finally, he circles back to the hunting and Andy blinks away the confusion that lingers in her eyes. A smile, slow to appear but quick to spread, is on her lips as the amusement she has desperately trying to hide breaks through. Another laugh fills the air and she shakes her head, saying, “While my father may call me a princess but I am far from the ones you may read about. I am not a damsel in distress and I do not shy away from a hard day’s work.”

She stands across from the boy, a smile on her lips and humor burning brightly in her pale gaze as she tells him, “I don’t know how the Pirates do things but, in the Armada, every wolf pulls their weight. That means doing what needs to be done when it needs doing. Our food stores could use some extra meat and that is why I am here.” Speaking of hunting… Turning, she scans the area around them for signs of prey, pretending to become absorbed by the task she is supposed to be out here for. If he doesn’t leave soon, Andy fears she might become downright cordial with the pirate boy.

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.