
Feeling Crabby



Expert Fighter (145)

Advanced Hunter (75)

2 Years

05-16-2023, 01:04 AM

The fall days of Auster were giving way to winter but the constant dreary state that usually accompanies those days has yet to fully arrive. That means there this is still sunshine to be had and the young pup is taking full advantage of it. Callie’s boundless energy has finally convinced her mother that the girl needed to go out on adventure so the pair made their way to the cove dominated by crabs. Having been here once already, she understood that she should give the creatures a wide berth if she wanted to avoid the painful pinch of their claws.

Fern, the girl’s mother, hangs back; lingering nearby while allowing the pup the freedom to roam. Caladia happily splashes in one of the tidal pools, getting herself soaking wet and enjoying it immensely. After a while, she grows tried and moves off to rest in the shade of a large rock, stretching her body out as far as it will go. The sounds of another reach her ears and the pup stills as a stranger comes into view. She watches him attempt to catch one of the scuttling creatures and miss which has a knowing grin tugging at her lips.

He then poses a question to the empty air and Callie cannot resist answering, “Don’t give up!” Springing up to her paws, she fearless bounds over to the unknown wolf, a huge smile on her youthful lips. Having been here before, the girl has a few tips about how to hunt the crabs… which she is more than happy to share. Cheerful voice offers encouraging words as she says, “These things are tricky and their claws are painful if they get you. But I know a secret!” Mismatched eyes sparkle as she tilts her head and offers, “Want me to help you?”

Hunting is a passion for the pup and she likes to take every opportunity she can to catch creatures. Yes, she is younger than the stranger and she doesn’t even know their name but that doesn’t stop Callie from offering to help. Someone behind her, hiding in plain sight, her mother keeps a watchful eye over the pair.

"Caladia Carpathius"