
At the End of the World



05-17-2023, 12:55 PM
[Image: UZL5oef.png]

Blood flowed in thick rivers. The metallic tang of iron filled the pale pink nares of the giant man and he relished in the sweet scent. His prey lay spread out before him, more bloody pulp than actual creature. He'd done a number on her. The woman had run from him. What kind of wolf would he be if he didn't give chase? It was in his nature and Barbatos was a creature of instinct through and through.

For any coming upon the scene, it would be difficult to tell what the flayed creature had even been. That was, if Batos hadn't severed the woman's head and placed it upon a nearby rock. She'd been pretty, so why waste her good looks? Once the fae had been pristinely white, now she was nothing but red. The contrast in colors was pleasing to the grey and white man and he hummed a little tune as he placed a paw on either side of the corpses ribcage, pushing outward until they cracked and shattered. That same paw dipped within and came out with the wolf's heart which he then discarded over his shoulder without a second thought.

A shift in the breeze accompanied the shuffle of paws on the cathedral floor and the hulking wolf's pale, glacial blue eyes instantly flicked in that direction. Batos noted the small, winged creature standing just a little ways off. A low growl pulled from the beasts wide chest like a landslide and he turned his full attention to the tiny wolf. Blood coated the brute thickly, especially around his face and chest. That tended to happen when one was feeding. Stiff legged, the murderous man moved towards the peeping Tom.

"It seems that you've made a mistake, little pigeon," the brute growled in deep, rumbling tones. Though cannibalism wasn't rare, it was generally frowned upon. Batos had no idea where this woman belonged, nor did he care. By the time that someone found her, he would have been long gone. That was usually the case, anyway. Ah, but now he'd been seen. Closer and closer the bloodied giant came. A pink tongue flicked out to lap blood from his lips. Not to clean them, but simply to taste. Icy eyes widened for a moment, excitement and pure insanity flashing within. A grin split the wolf's maw and he purred to the small wolf. "Better run, little bird." Ah, he did love a good chase.
