
killing strangers

Freedom Challenge! Oh boy!



Advanced Fighter (95)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
05-17-2023, 11:07 PM

True to form, she was chaotic and vicious. Just before his teeth would make contact with her neck, the bitch dropped into a mocking play bow. The sharp taste of blood on his tongue as his teeth grazed the thin skin just behind her jaw and then snapped shut on open air. In a split second, she bounced right back up and bashed the top of her skull into the underside of his jaw, the impact rattling through his head and neck enough to make his ears ring for a minute. The involuntary groan he released morphed into a snarl, and he lifted a taloned forepaw to slam it down atop her toes. Seemed like Medusa had the same idea, so when she lifted one paw to rake her claw guards against that same foreleg, they managed to score through the thin skin just above his wrist.

Trying to maintain some of the momentum of his left foreleg's upwards swing as blood began to flow forth in rivulets, the pale giant gritted his teeth against the pain and he sought to curl his left foreleg beneath Medusa's body and grip her left elbow from beneath her body. Those long talons could hook deep into the thin skin, perhaps find purchase against the joint. As he sought for his grip on her leg, the young male would lunge forth from their already close quarters. This would hurt both of them, certainly. Pushing off with strong hind limbs, the slate dappled prince aimed to slam the bony upper edge of his rib cage into her left shoulder. If he could maintain a hold on that same leg just long enough, perhaps he could unbalance her- knock her over. That would lend the upper hand, even for only a few seconds. This was already a long shot, a losing battle between a seasoned and deadly fighter and an angry, ill equipped youth. Morticia, the dark furred feline, tried to rush forth in a moment of desperation and claw at Medusa's right hind leg. She was smaller than the queen's companions, liable to be caught and cornered by the animals that aided Medusa to avoid further interference. The gesture was appreciated, regardless.

Viscera Klein vs Medusa Mortem for FREEDOM
Round 2/2
Age: 1+
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Companion 1: Maine Coon, Female - Battle - Boosted
Companion 2: Vampire bat, Male - Flying
Mutation 1: Eagle talons (Offensive)
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Beginner Healer

ooc. thanks for a fun fight Dragon!
