
well dam jackie, i can't control the weather



Master Healer (315)

Master Navigator (495)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Derby Winner1KPride - BisexualDouble MasterAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Wordy
05-19-2023, 01:09 PM

Her head lifts with rivulets of water streaming from her lips. With her thirst satiated, Audra was intent to continue exploring and dig a little deeper into why the dams had multiplied since she last had been here. If the beaver population was indeed getting out of control, she might run it by Artorias to have some hunters out here to help the issue. Plus their fur made for some nice blankets. Letting out a quiet hum as her thoughts rolled around in her head, she paused as the wind shifted to pass by her.

It was not a moment before she turned to see the male approach that he was speaking. Audra was also a timid wolf that found it hard to initially socialize with others so when she took a step away, it was more out of being startled than anything else. Her good eye blinks a few times as she looks the stranger over. He is about her size, but far skinnier and grey in color in contrast to her earthen hues. When she notices that he is just as nervous as she, she smiles and steps closer to him.

“G-greetings, I-I’m Audra,” she introduces herself as her tail swishes softly behind. Both ears flicker forward and then back. She can hear her bobcat companion lingering in the nearby brush, ready to assist, but not wanting to intrude. He was more antisocial than any animal she’d ever met. “I-I haven’t s-seen you before. A-are y-you new to th-the area?” Audra’s stutter gives away her nervousness as she tries to keep the timid smile on her face. The stutter had been a thing since she was a pup and there were only a few wolves in which she was comfortable speaking normally with.

audra's companions are to be assumed next to her unless stated otherwise