
Pit Stop to Hell's Gates


10-24-2013, 06:04 PM

[Image: arC7pCx.jpg]

Black ears would lay flat against his skull as he would secretly listen. Acting as if every word she said didn't matter to him...and yet, it did. She was still his of course he cared. She went on about all of that love and stuff and about her own parents. It was almost kind of sad hearing her,it almost made him angry. In the pit of his stomach it did. If he could, he would yell at his Uncle for leaving. If he could, he would tell him how it personally feels not to have a father around. And here his little cousin was, she needed him but he wasn't here. Kai knew the pain, he knew it all too well... The anger seemed to drip from him, like melting ice as his mother's side overcame him. As she sat down the brute would stand up and walk forward. Sitting down on his haunches closer to the girl he would put his neck around her and pull her close.

"If I hadn't killed my mother I'm sure she would have looked after you...she was so kind and sweet...she never even yelled at my brothers and I. but I know how you feel all too I'm sorry...." he would say almost in a whisper before he drew back.

The mood change in the young man was noticeable; it was as if he was bi-polar, yet he wasn't. Just two clashing sides raging on in a never ending war inside of him.
He lips parted once more, asking hi a question. She would ask what he wanted in life, what would make him truly happy. Cocking his head to the side slightly Kairos would think about that...he had never really thought about anything he wanted that would make him happy before...usually it was what would make his mother and family happy.

The male's purple gaze would stay still,set on Odette. Looking down, breaking the glance he would put one paw atop the other over and over again nervously.

Thinking now....Kairos would realize there was something there....but rather a dream than something that would probably actually happen...

With a sigh he would part his lips to reply to his cousin.

"Nothing that I've known but there is thing that I've wanted ever since I was rather young, or younger. I...I wish for a family of my own someday. It seems like a dream, something one would wish upon a star for...but I want to be a father some day; to give my own pups or children what I never had. I want to be there for them as a father like my own never was...I want to give them what I couldn't have..." he would say before looking back up at the girl.

He would then whisk the wish away...knowing that a wish such as that for him would be too good to be true...

I talk,
I think,
you speak"