
The Missing Piece



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
05-20-2023, 08:30 AM

The idea that a family having been as widespread as her mother had described, could crumble in such a way, leaving a hallow wake in their path- that an empire so seemingly powerful could fall to unforeseen intervention. Needless to say, it had piqued her interest. Talyssa was absolutely certain that an enthralling story was behind the devastation. And while she craved to know more- to hear more stories about the packs who had disbanded, she would keep her questions at bay for now. Perhaps, that could be a conversation for a different day. Instead, she thought that maybe she could pursue a different line of thought. “Are they good allies for us?” The girl couldn’t recall a time when anyone from the Klein family had visited the Hallows- at least not in her lifetime. But maybe they were just distant like Hattori …

And with her observation of not meeting her grandfather’s expectations, it seemed that the idea puzzled her mother as well. Eventually, Briar offered the conclusion that he would still approve of her intelligence, sealing the sentiment with a kiss on her forehead. Out of reflex, a sweetened grin spread across her features as she leaned into the affection. Though, it didn’t remove the suspicion that she wouldn’t pass the Fatalis standard. Even still, the idea of a visit fostered excitement that she might just get to find out for herself. As her mother expressed that a trip to the Armada was something that she had been trying to plan for a while now, she couldn’t help but perk up- but as to the reason why it hadn’t happened yet made her laugh. “Heeeyy! I know you’re talking about everyone else, and Tati, right?” She answered, pretending to be momentarily offended. Though the facade didn’t last for very long- the idea of her father being a ‘troublemaking pup’ was just too funny.

When she mentioned the possibility of going to visit Uncle Kotori’s pack, she was met with another rush of excitement. “I would love that!” Talyssa interjected before she even had time to process exactly what that meant. After she already expressed interest, then she circled back for questions. “I didn’t realize Uncle Kotori had his own pack. Is it like the Armada?” She inquired, with newfound interest.

"Talyssa Carpathius"