
A Dead Wolf Tells No Tales [P]


03-08-2013, 04:23 PM

At first, there seemed to be no wolf around this cold and frosty place. SwiftKill didn't blame them: it was wet, and cold. The cold was the worst thing about this place: shivers racked the yearling's body suddenly, as she paused to sniff the air. What was that strange scent SwiftKill was smelling: water, with a tang, blood... Was this a wolf? If so, there was nothing around her that could emit the scent, however strange it was. Ears pricked as the owner of the scent spoke, leaving SwiftKill confused. "Aye' Lass! Thur be plenty a time for 'orse play after ye tell me where I be." As the wolf spoke, gray and white ears pricked up, showing that SwiftKill had just noticed the wolf. She could step back with a snarl and be attacked, or she could tell the wolf where he was. The second seemed smart, but SwiftKill wanted a fight. She wanted to crunch into a wolf's skull, wanted to hear them whimper one last time. Wanted to break their spine and crunch their throat and.... Slice them open. So, with that thought in mind, SwiftKill whipped around, letting a snarl drawl from her lips. "You are in the Northern Free Lands. The Wall, to be exact. And the wolf you are talking to is SwiftKill, who is being trained by the best killer here, just so you know. Her name is Destruction. And before you so RUDELY interrupted me, I was going to try and climb the wall. Now shut up, get back, and let me climb this wall." Bi-colored eyes narrowed slightly, and lips curled back to show sharp canines. "Before I make you." SwiftKill added, turning her back on the wolf and stalking away. Some wolves just had NO manners, stopping a dame like that! Did he know who he was messing with? And what was with that accent? "Aye! I be killing you now." SwiftKill said, sniggering at the accent. After all, it was only habit. SwiftKill had never met a wolf like that.
