
The Bugles of War Are to Be Heard!!!


10-24-2013, 11:16 PM

There was a hardness in her gaze and a steel in her voice that wasn't normally there as she stood loyally beside Taurig. As Io appeared, floating like a ghost from the background her gaze would soften slightly as she turned her gaze to the female who held the Sovari name. They still hadn't had the chance to talk and figured out how exactly they were related but Vi was loyal to her family, loyal to her blood and she didn't need the proof. Zara had spoken of their mothers last litter, spoken of her albino daughter... It was enough. Enough to soften the normally hard woman's exterior as she reached out to touch Io's shoulder tenderly. She would keep the girl safe no matter what, she wanted to fight but she wouldn't leave the healers unattended just in case someone was stupid enough to try and attack the medics. Maija appeared on the scene a moment later and though they had only met once already Vi liked her at least more then the rest of her non family pack mates and only slightly less then Taurig. She said nothing and Vi didn't push, allowing her to join the red woman in her silent way. So Vi turned her attention back to Taurig as he spoke simple instructions, the softest of smiles tracing her lips. Her head tipped back and a short howl rang out to call to Zara, they were going to war. She didn't speak to Thane, simply watched as he left and then looked to Io. "You'll be safe dear, we'll stay hidden from the actual fight. If needed Zara and I can go down and retrieve the fallen..." There was no judgment in Vi's tone, no harshness. She wanted Io to be safe and the albino was a medic solely from what Vi had heard. Vi was an assassin with a basic knowledge of healing flesh wounds and resetting breaks and dislocations is needed and Zara was both medic and long time warrior. Vi would make sure that their strongest medic stayed out of the fray and came home safe. So she would wait, a bit impatiently for Zara to arrive so they could follow Taurig out.

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