


10-24-2013, 11:18 PM

The voice of demons would rise through his body to come out from the Devil's rippling jaws. He wanted someone to die today, and if he was the one to fulfill that then he would stop at nothing to slaughter as many as possible today. Aqua blue eyes fell into slits as he descended upon the grey warrior, ears flattening and his hackles rising like hellfire. Jet was an unstoppable machine, and today he would seek the blood pool of his enemies. Glaciem would be the pack to rule the lands...until he got his own that is. His charged had worked, and he slammed his chest into the grey warrior. It would result in bruising to Jet, but it was minor and not a major detail for him. Though for the other warrior it might as well be. Jet gathered his muscles as he rose on hind legs, his head snaking forward and his teeth met their target. He shook violently once Pontifex's scruff was within his grasp, relishing in the taste of blood as he tore skin. Likewise, his claws also met their mark and raked down the mans face over the eye area, and felt flesh give way under his claws. The warm trickle of blood was felt between his toes as he kept up his attack. His tail lashed side to side as he shook his body along with his attack, trying to do as much damage as he possibly could. Narrowed eyes focused on his bloodied target, and he would then attempt to bring his forelegs up and around the grey warriors neck to get a hold as he sidestepped to the left to try and bring his body around.

It was then that the demon saw another figure hurdle towards him, and charge towards his leg. Though her attack would be thwarted when he had sidestepped away and to the side of Pontifex, thus her attack narrowly missing her target. With a defiant snarl and his teeth still implanted into the grey brutes scruff, he would lift his sought after leg and aimed to stomp or kick down on her muzzle to try and force her mouth to snap shut and/or daze her. He used the grip he had on Pontifex as balance and he would try to drag him down on top of the girl, or at the least use Pontifex as a sort of shield to get in the way of her attacks towards him. He spread his hind legs for balance, toes splayed and claws digging into the earth for traction. He would tuck his tail then, to protect himself and he rolled his shoulders forward to further protect his vitals. His lips were curles, wrinkling his muzzle. It was then that Pontifex would try to aim a bite towards Jet's right forelimb. Jet shifted his position slightly so that Pontifex's teeth came into contact with the bony area of his right shoulder instead, puncturing skin with a half inch deep wound. He would attempt to push against him, to try and force his jaws to open wider so that it would be harder to get a good bite. Jet let loose an ominous rumble as he felt a trickle of blood stream down from the puncture wounds. The slight pain only enraged Jet more, and pain would fuel him. He adored pain, consumed it with a passion as it was the only thing that drove him forward.

Fight Stats

Jet Vs. Pontifex & Surreal for Maim/seige

Round: 2/infinite

Defenses: Eyes narrowed, ears flattened, hackles raised, hind legs spread for balance, toes splayes, claws dug into the dirt for traction, tail tuckes, shoulders rolled forward, lips curled.

Attacks: Attacks Against Pontifex: attempt to bring his forelegs up and around the grey warriors neck to get a hold as he sidestepped. He would attempt to push/press his shoulder to try and force his jaws to open wider so that it would be harder to get a good bite
Attacks Against Surreal: aimed to stomp or kick down on her muzzle to try and force her mouth to snap shut and/or daze her.

Injuries: 4 half inch puncture wounds on his right shoulder.

Out Of Character Notes: Since Ponti neglected Jet's attempted attacks, i'm going out on a limb here and assuming they landed since that whay it says in the guidebook :/ "If you do not respond to an attack made by the other character, they can assume it was landed and damage was inflicted. You must comply." <--told to post that.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think