
'Cause I'm Just A Girl



The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
05-22-2023, 10:03 PM

Hotshot. There it was again. And even more difficult to ignore than the first time, though he somehow managed. “You most certainly will.” Aresenn echoed, agreeing that she’d need to be careful that she didn’t throw in too many backhanded compliments, as he just might mistake them for the real thing. In all of his interaction with the Fatalis girl, he didn’t once think of the ramifications that it could bring. It was easy to forget that Pyralis lost her life … probably to one of this girl’s relatives. Even still, why should he be foreced to pick sides on quarrels that didn’t belong to him? He personally didn’t have any grief with the Armada … nevermind his father blamed them for the dissapearance of his mother. He hardly remembered her. That one was tough. Though his father had no real proof, and even if his susicions were true, he highly doubted that this girl had anything to do with that either- Aresenn blinked the thoughts away, wanting to steer clear of the train of thought the pulled stops at the places where this could all go wrong. 

As she insuinated the she was under the impression that Pirates had to be tough in order to be the most hated pack, Aresenn couldn’t help but scoff. “We’re actually a pretty sensitive lot.” The Praetor boy quickly interjected, his tone presented as  a matter of fact, though the amused glint in his amber gaze ever present It may not be the truth, but the idea was funny, at least. “It takes a lot out of you, being the most hated pack like you said.” He added, ears perking to her laughter. He could listen to it all day. His attention lingered a moment before he cracked another half-smirk. “It’s an awful lot of work …” Most of it, being self-inflicted of course. But that was beside the point. 

At the mention of him having more work to do, he caught another bout of the laughter that he was quickly becoming addicted to. Though, rather than responding immediately, he took a moment to consider her suggestion, before slowly nodding in acknowledgement. “Morally grey is a good start. I can work with that.” Aresenn declared, offering compliance to her suggestion, whether she be serious or not. In that moment, he felt like he could be anything she wanted him to. But in reality, he honestly wondered how true that sentiment was. 

The Pirate boy was actually fairly interested to hear more about the Armada in depth. That was the structure he had always heard about- something he felt the pirates severely lacked. As she finished her explanation, he offered a slow nod paired with that half-smirk of his. “Sounds like you’ve got it all figure out.” He observed, allowing a brief silence to rest between them as he took another panning glance through the sparse pines. Ever since his conversation with his half-brother, it had become very difficult to look around the pine forest and not think of Incendium- and in turn, his father. How he would hate this. With a dissapointed exhale, he returned to face her. Offering a final amused grin as he made the motion to leave. “Well, I better leave you to it so you can feed all the starving children, cripples, and old folks. Would hate for them to miss out because I was holding you captive.” He teased, taking a shot at how she described everyone taking care of eachother. He took a couple backward steps, only realizing how difficult it was to turn away until it was time to do so. “Be sure to talk me up to your pack- how you narrowly escaped the great Pirate Outlaw, Aresenn Praetor. Spread that notority for me, will ya?” He finished with a final attempt at a bad joke and an introduction all wrapped up into one.

In his awkward, back stepping exit, he hadn’t noticed a particularly large branch on the ground. And of course, as luck would have it, he would stumble over the top of it. Not enough to cause him to trip- he caught himself in time thankfully. However, he was sure it made him look like a bigger idiot than what he was. With a broadened grin, he’d call out one last time. “Until next time, Princess.” Aresenn concluded, before turning on his heels and heading out the way he came in. He so hoped there would be a next time.

"Aresenn Praetor"