
What the Flock!



The Hallows

Master Fighter (400)

Master Intellectual (420)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf

1KFestival OrganizerDouble MasterCritical Dodge!Ooh La LaStudent
Samhain 2022
05-23-2023, 02:31 PM

As their first birthdays came and went, Bramble quickly grew into her own. Long, slender legs carried her newly feminine, yet muscular figure across the plains. Having woken up early to patrol the outskirts of the dried grasses for any predators, the young Carpathian princess was eager to get started. Slipping from the castle on quiet but large paws, she enjoyed the sound of her cat-like claws clicking against the cold stone. Soon the noise would be deafened by packed dirt and smushed plants as she made her way outdoors. A brisk winter breeze ruffled her beige and greenish-grey coat. Everything seemed quiet as the morning continued on.

Nothing was out of sorts until a howl lit the sky. Her attention had not been on the grove until that moment when she looked over with ears perked and eyes widened. From the distance, she could see a group of eagles darting in and out of the top of the grove. Bramble’s brow furrows as she doesn’t think twice about heading in the direction of the distress call. Her paws drum against the well-worn path as her pace picks up into a full blown run. Though she is without a physical weapon, her teeth and claws will be enough - along with the size she had grown into, she was a formidable opponent.

Only minutes had passed before she was skidding into the clearing to an interesting sight. Her sooty sister swinging her new present around with a coordinated grace that Bramble could dream of having. Blood speckled the ground from both her sister and the avian predators that swooped in from below. Confusion crossed her expression for a split second. Why were the eagles attacking Dusk? Worried that her smaller sister wouldn’t be able to take the group on alone, Bramble rushed in to help.

Her teal eyes searched the clearing until they found the fallen log. Using it herself as a springboard to leap into the air, Bramble stretched out her front paws. Extending her cat-like claws, she timed her jump to when one of the eagles were swooping down toward Dusk. Grabbing onto a wing, Bramble dug in her claws as her body twisted in the air. Attempting to knock the eagle out of the air, she opened her jaws and grabbed on to a leg before its own talons could dig into her. Meanwhile, its beak pecked and sliced at her forehead and neck. With her own blood splattering the ground as she landed, Bramble would bend its wing until the eagle could no longer fly.

word count: 1086

bramble's companions are to be assumed near her unless stated otherwise.