


10-25-2013, 01:52 AM

His attempts to mount the female would fail, but he would not fall away empty handed. His teeth made contact with her tail, and that was better then nothing. He snarled as he felt her rump lift, making contact with his jaw though not as hard as she was probably hoping. The movement had caused him to release her tail after dealing some damage, and he would fall away to the left just narrowly missing her hind legs as they struck out towards him. He made to attack her again, but before he could she had fled.

Panting, Tidus turned his attention to Hansel and his sister and her companion, nodding to them to go. "I'll try and hold off whoever goes after you." he said quickly to them as he would then guard their backs. To his relief, however, nobody appeared to challenge them and then the three were off the scene. Tidus looked around for an opponent, and not far away he saw his Alpha arrive on scene. Tidus' blue eyes roamed Taurig's noble stature, his gaze falling on the injuries that Isardis had inflicted upon his own son for leaving. Tidus remembered to the day when Taurig had shown them and told them about what his Father had done for "betraying" the family. He watched his Alpha make a move towards a Glaciem woman, and Tidus' sense of loyalty would kick into gear and his anger would flare up. It wasn't right for a Father to treat his own blood like that. Tidus himself had particularly been close to his family and was devastated when they all got slaughtered. His usual calm and gentle gaze would turn to ice as he searched about for the Glaciem king. He would go after him today in his King's name.

Tidus would look around for the demon, and it wasn't too difficult to spot him. The light shone upon the Albino's pale skin, and Tidus would begin his sweep towards him. At his angle, he would come up behind Isardis, just out of his sights. He moved swiftly upon silent paws, hackles raising, eyes narrowing, ears falling back as much as possible, his body pulled forward and the motion would bunch his scruff. His head lowered over his throat and aligned with his spine as his tail streamed behind him to act as a rudder for balance. Tidus would roll his shoulders forward to further protect his vitals, weight evenly distributed upon swift paws and his claws digging for traction. He aimed for Isardis' backside, mouth gaping open as he neared his target to deliver a surprising and painful blow. He hoped his teeth would make their mark, hopefully he could grasp as much as he could and hold on to cause as much pain as possible, and with it would come blood. Tidus would aim an attempt towards the right hind thigh of the white beast. His body would lower slightly to the ground, weight evenly spread should the daemon try to turn and force him to the ground, but Tidus would not allow that chance. If his attack succeeded, then he would try to rake forward with his left paw in an attempt to unbalance the white king. Should any of his attacks fail, then Tidus would sweep his head up to try and deliver a good bite to the kings right haunch and attempt to tear skin and cause the king to bleed. His aim today would be to cause as much damage as possible for what he had done to his Alpha. Tidus had begun to see Taurig as a brother, and with that Tidus would treat him as if he were a blood brother. More so, the brother that Tidus never had.

Tidus Vs. Isardis for Maim/seige

Round: 1/Infinite

Defenses: hackles raising, eyes narrowing, ears falling back as much as possible, his body pulled forward and the motion would bunch his scruff. His head lowered over his throat and aligned with his spine as his tail streamed behind him to act as a rudder for balance. Tidus would roll his shoulders forward to further protect his vitals, weight evenly distributed upon swift paws and his claws digging for traction. His body would lower slightly to the ground, weight evenly spread.

Attacks: Aims to bite Isardis on his right hind thigh and attempt to hold on. If successful, he will then attempt to sweep/rake his left paw to try and trip/unbalance Isardis. Should any of his attacks fail, then Tidus would sweep his head up to try and deliver a good bite to the kings right haunch

Injuries: Slight/minor bruising under his jaw.
