
Almost adults

Briar and all the kids ♥


The Hallows

Master Fighter (279)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years

Samhain 2022
05-25-2023, 11:41 AM

Their parents began to sing and that was a little embarrassing for the young wolf, but she smiled nonetheless. Dusk had been practicing with her aunt Iolaire ever since the old wolf had come to live in The Hallows, so her Carpathian was very good. Tal used it often, but Dusk saved it for special moments between her family. For some reason, it seemed like the right thing to do. Not that she would judge any of her family for the use of the tongue, but it just meant something a little different to the dark child, that's all.

Once the song ended, her parents began doling out gifts. Talyssa was given hers first and Dusk smiled as the beautiful pendant was unwrapped. Their father placed it around Tal's neck where it settled perfectly against her pale chest. It was a very thoughtful gift and it seemed pretty well suited for her pretty, sweet sister.

Next came her own gift. Dusk carefully unwrapped the hidden box, looking at it for a moment before she carefully opened it. The girl's eyes widened and her lower jaw slackened as the moment struck her completely in awe. Within lay... exactly what she hadn't known that she'd always wanted. Delicate but sturdy chains extended from a jeweled cuff, ending in tiny, leaf shaped blades. Dusk didn't have to touch the blades to know that they were sharp. She could practically see the edges gleaming. The jewels were pretty and all, but it was the meaning behind the gift that meant the most to the dark child. Trust. Trust, belief and support that only parents could give. Briar and Artorias were telling her that, though she'd made mistakes, they believed in her enough to let her know that she could and would do better. Dusk silently vowed that she would never stop training. She would be the best tail-blade wielder that the land had ever seen!

Emotion overtook the girl and, as she reverently closed the box again, all that she could manage was a soft murmur of thanks to her parents. The attention shifted to the remainder of her siblings, but Dusk couldn't have told you what they'd gotten in that moment. Later, after she'd had time for her emotions to settle, she would be very impressed with the swords that her brother's received and the gift for Bramble was so very pretty and so very fitting.

As the rest of the group reveled in their birthday gifts, Dusk slipped away and moved towards the fire that always burned. She just needed a moment to compose herself. As she sat looking down at the hearth, a few fat teardrops spattered the stone. Raising one paw, Dusk wiped away the tears. She couldn't imagine a more meaningful gift. The thought that had gone into it proved beyond a doubt just how much her parents loved her. Their trust meant so much... After the incident with the wire and Thorn's ear, she thought that she'd always be looked upon as a screw up. Everyone had moved past the issue, and then some. The initial realization had been overwhelming, but Dusk put herself back together quickly enough.

The smallest of the Carpathian children rejoined her family, leaning against her mother's leg, which she wrapped one paw around in a gentle embrace. Only when Briar left the prepare breakfast did Dusk let her go. She then moved to her father's side and did the same, giving one foreleg a squeeze, her forehead pressed against his shoulder in silent thanks, before moving to the table to seat herself beside Thorn. Dusk was quiet, but there was a smile on her face. Today was a day of celebration, but it was also a day of realization. They weren't kids anymore.

"Dusk Carpathius"

[Image: WlfCSL1.png]