
Hoping For A Better Tomorrow



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-25-2013, 05:12 AM (This post was last modified: 10-28-2013, 02:32 AM by Avalon.)

The journey hadn't been long, but it had been difficult. Avalon had made it with the rest of the Valhallan refugees and her companion Gretel. Gretel's brother Hansel had escorted them successfully, ensuring that nobody would try to harm them on the way. Avalon was grateful to finally be able to roam about, though she remained very close to the main camp of the Seracians. She dares not venture more then a few yards away from the main camp, afraid that somewhere out there her captors would come to try and take her back. Avalon wanted her full freedom, and she hoped that the Seracian king or someone would fight for her and Gretel...if that happened, then Avalon would begin to train herself and learn how to fight so that she could go back for Kestrel. The poor young pup...her heart had dropped when she saw Morgana come back with Mercianne's only daughter in her jaws. As soon as the Amentian bitch had dropped her, Kestrel had run straight to Avalon to hide away from the evil wenches of the sunken ship. Up until Avalon was forced to go to the war, she had been the only one protecting and caring for the mute girl, ensuring that no harm came to her. But now that she was gone, she wondered what would become of her Snow Rogue cousin...

A tear would trickle down her face, and she wondered if she would ever see any of her family again. Since she had been taken to Amenti, she had lost all contact and word of them. And with her current injuries, she was unable to go out and find them. Since arriving to Seracia just a couple days ago, Avalon had not gone to seek medical assistance. She was afraid now, of others. Though the Valhallans and Seracians seemed nice, she could not bring herself to openly trust a stranger anymore. Last time she had done that it had landed her as a slave and a portion of her life was stolen. She placed her head upon her paws as she sprawled out on the ground, her injured back left leg at an awkward back angle. It felt good to finally be on real ground instead of the hard wood and steel that coated the SS Antiox. It felt good to have the sun stream down on her pelt, the warmth of it heating her coat. She had forgotten what life was like outside of the confines of her cell, and never again did she want to give that up.

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