
I’ve seen you in my dreams, who could you be?




Novice Hunter (15)

Beginner Navigator (0)

1 Year
05-26-2023, 04:18 PM
Dunstan's exploration of his surroundings had led him to meeting several wolves, as well as strange things he has not seen yet, such as the stone ground he now feels underneath his paws. Once again, he finds himself wishing his mother is with him, explaining things and confirming any ideas Dunstan has about the world around him. Alas, if Dunstan were to ask a question, he is certain only the wind would respond.

He stares up into the clouds, thinking that for just a second one resembles his mother before it is blown away by the wind that ruffles Dunstan's fur. His stomach growls, reminding him that it has been a while since he's eaten. The sound of something nearby makes him pay more attention, his ears pricking up as he finds himself hoping against hope that it is a bird, a deer even. A more careful part of him says that it could be something dangerous, a bear perhaps, or even more dangerous, another wolf.

Still, Dunstan's curiosity gets the better of him as he approaches and finds not prey but a wolf who appears to be about his age battling a log. He wonders if there's any grubs in it, which to him would be a good reason for such behavior. He can't really think of another. It seems to waste energy, something he does not have a lot of. The howl, though, is impressive, and he finds himself wanting to talk to the stranger despite the potential for danger.

Dunstan clears his throat. "Ahem." Then he cringes. He sounds like his mother when she's upset with him, and he certainly doesn't mean to sound upset, even with the disappointment of finding no food. He tries a friendly wag of the tail to show both that he means no harm and that he isn't old and boring. "Er. Sorry. What are you doing?"