
Can't Stay Away


10-25-2013, 10:51 AM

Snarls met her ears, coming as no surprise to the silver temptress. Business. That meant he would have to follow some sort of order. She found it quite interesting but didn't push any farther on the matter, at least for now. Her brother approached, closing in on her until he stood over her, caging her in with his legs. Crown turned, her throat dangerously close to her brothers jaws. His thick plume brushed against her hip, a feather light touch. Her own tail moved to curl lightly around one his hind legs. Warmth radiated from him, covering her in a blanket.

Tongue lashed out to strike against the side of his face in a soft touch. A smirk pulled at here lips, her nosy bastard of a brother wanted to know how she ended up like this. "Some idiot Alpha, apparently potent enough to get my pregnant outside of my season." Irritated tinged her words. He had been great, but now she was changing her mind. She carried his spawn, and he Was determined to be part of their lives.
Shet met her brothers burning gaze, languid frame watching his every twitch.

She was highly aware of her vulnerability pinned beneath her brother, but in some twisted way she trusted him. He maybe a ruthless heartless monster, but deep down they'd be lost without each other. In some sick way they needed each other, fueled each others fire. They threatened and fought, each intending to bring harm to the other, but could they actually kill each other? Could he really end her life as he constantly threatened? She didn't think so, he might make her wish she was dead and leave her for dead, but nothing more.
"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"